sin man page on Ultrix

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sin(3m)								       sin(3m)

       sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, atan2 - trigonometric functions

       #include <math.h>

       double sin(x)
       double x;

       double cos(x)
       double x;

       double tan(x)
       double x;

       double asin(x)
       double x;

       double acos(x)
       double x;

       double atan(x)
       double x;

       double atan2(x,y)
       double x,y;

       The subroutines and return trigonometric functions of radian arguments.
       The magnitude of the argument should be checked by the caller  to  make
       sure the result is meaningful.

       The subroutine returns the arc sin in the range -π/2 to π/2.

       The subroutine returns the arc cosine in the range 0 to π.

       The subroutine returns the arc tangent of x in the range -π/2 to π/2.

       The subroutine returns the arc tangent of x/y in the range -π to π.

       The value of for arguments greater than about 2**31 is unreliable.

Return Values
       Arguments  of magnitude greater than 1 cause and to return zero and set
       errno to EDOM.

       The function returns zero and sets errno to EDOM when x and y are  both

       When  your program is compiled using the System V environment, and lose
       accuracy when their argument is far from zero.	For  arguments	suffi‐
       ciently large, these functions return 0 when there would otherwise be a
       complete loss of significance.  In this case a message indicating TLOSS
       error  is printed on the standard error output.	For less extreme argu‐
       ments, a PLOSS error is generated but no message is printed.   In  both
       cases, errno is set to ERANGE.

       The subroutine returns HUGE for an argument which is near an odd multi‐
       ple of π/2 when the correct value would overflow,  and  sets  errno  to

       Arguments  of  magnitude	 greater than 1.0 cause and to return 0 and to
       set errno to EDOM.  In addition, a message indicating DOMAIN  error  is
       printed on the standard error output.

       These error-handling procedures may be changed with the function

				      VAX			       sin(3m)

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