scale_form man page on NetBSD

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FORMS(3)		 BSD Library Functions Manual		      FORMS(3)

     form_sub, form_win, scale_form, set_form_sub, set_form_win — form library

     Curses Form Library (libform, -lform)

     #include <form.h>

     WINDOW *
     form_sub(FORM *form);

     WINDOW *
     form_win(FORM *form);

     scale_form(FORM *form, int *rows, int *cols);

     set_form_sub(FORM *form, WINDOW *window);

     set_form_win(FORM *form, WINDOW *window);

     All output to the screen done by the forms library is handled by the
     curses library routines.  By default, the forms library will output to
     the curses stdscr, but if the forms window has been set via
     set_form_win() then output will be sent to the window specified by
     set_form_win(), unless the forms subwindow has been set using
     set_form_sub().  If a subwindow has been specified using set_form_sub()
     then it will be used by the forms library to for screen output.  The cur‐
     rent setting for the form window can be retrieved by calling form_win().
     If the forms window has not been set then NULL will be returned.  Simi‐
     larly, the forms subwindow can be found by calling the form_sub() func‐
     tion, again, if the subwindow has not been set then NULL will be
     returned.	The scale_form() function will return the minimum number of
     rows and columns that will entirely contain the given form.

     Functions returning pointers will return NULL if an error is detected.
     The functions that return an int will return one of the following error

     E_OK		The function was successful.
     E_NOT_CONNECTED	The form has no fields connected to it.
     E_POSTED		The form is posted to the screen.

     curses(3), forms(3)

     The header <form.h> automatically includes both <curses.h> and <eti.h>.

BSD				January 1, 2001				   BSD
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