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CURSES(3)		 BSD Library Functions Manual		     CURSES(3)

     curses — screen functions with “optimal” cursor motion

     Curses Library (libcurses, -lcurses)

     cc [flags] files -lcurses [libraries]

     These routines give the user a method of updating screens with reasonable
     optimization.  They keep an image of the current screen, and the user
     sets up an image of a new one.  Then the refresh() tells the routines to
     make the current screen look like the new one.  In order to initialize
     the routines, the routine initscr() must be called before any of the
     other routines that deal with windows and screens are used.  The routine
     endwin() should be called before exiting.	The routine start_color() must
     be called before any of the other routines that deal with color are used.

     Function Name			       Manual Page Name
     addch				       curses_addch(3)
     addchnstr				       curses_addchstr(3)
     addchstr				       curses_addchstr(3)
     addnstr				       curses_addstr(3)
     addstr				       curses_addstr(3)
     assume_default_colors		       curses_default_colors(3)
     attr_get				       curses_attributes(3)
     attr_off				       curses_attributes(3)
     attr_on				       curses_attributes(3)
     attr_set				       curses_attributes(3)
     attroff				       curses_attributes(3)
     attron				       curses_attributes(3)
     attrset				       curses_attributes(3)
     beep				       curses_tty(3)
     bkgd				       curses_background(3)
     bkgdset				       curses_background(3)
     border				       curses_border(3)
     box				       curses_border(3)
     can_change_color			       curses_color(3)
     cbreak				       curses_tty(3)
     chgat				       curses_chgat(3)
     clear				       curses_clear(3)
     clearok				       curses_clear(3)
     clrtobot				       curses_clear(3)
     clrtoeol				       curses_clear(3)
     color_content			       curses_color(3)
     color_set				       curses_attributes(3)
     copywin				       curses_window(3)
     curs_set				       curses_tty(3)
     def_prog_mode			       curses_tty(3)
     def_shell_mode			       curses_tty(3)
     define_key				       curses_input(3)
     delay_output			       curses_tty(3)
     delch				       curses_delch(3)
     deleteln				       curses_deleteln(3)
     delscreen				       curses_screen(3)
     delwin				       curses_window(3)
     derwin				       curses_window(3)
     doupdate				       curses_refresh(3)
     dupwin				       curses_window(3)
     echo				       curses_tty(3)
     endwin				       curses_screen(3)
     erase				       curses_clear(3)
     erasechar				       curses_tty(3)
     flash				       curses_tty(3)
     flushinp				       curses_tty(3)
     flushok				       curses_refresh(3)
     fullname				       curses_termcap(3)
     getattrs				       curses_attributes(3)
     getbegx				       curses_cursor(3)
     getbegy				       curses_cursor(3)
     getbkgd				       curses_background(3)
     getcap				       curses_termcap(3)
     getch				       curses_input(3)
     getcurx				       curses_cursor(3)
     getcury				       curses_cursor(3)
     getmaxx				       curses_cursor(3)
     getmaxy				       curses_cursor(3)
     getnstr				       curses_input(3)
     getparx				       curses_cursor(3)
     getpary				       curses_cursor(3)
     getparyx				       curses_cursor(3)
     getstr				       curses_input(3)
     gettmode				       curses_tty(3)
     getwin				       curses_fileio(3)
     getyx				       curses_cursor(3)
     has_colors				       curses_color(3)
     has_ic				       curses_tty(3)
     has_il				       curses_tty(3)
     hline				       curses_line(3)
     idcok				       curses_tty(3)
     idlok				       curses_tty(3)
     inch				       curses_inch(3)
     inchnstr				       curses_inch(3)
     inchstr				       curses_inch(3)
     init_color				       curses_color(3)
     init_pair				       curses_color(3)
     initscr				       curses_screen(3)
     innstr				       curses_inch(3)
     insch				       curses_insertch(3)
     insdelln				       curses_insdelln(3)
     insertln				       curses_insertln(3)
     instr				       curses_inch(3)
     intrflush				       curses_tty(3)
     is_linetouched			       curses_touch(3)
     is_wintouched			       curses_touch(3)
     isendwin				       curses_screen(3)
     keyname				       curses_keyname(3)
     keyok				       curses_input(3)
     keypad				       curses_input(3)
     killchar				       curses_tty(3)
     leaveok				       curses_tty(3)
     meta				       curses_tty(3)
     move				       curses_cursor(3)
     mvaddch				       curses_addch(3)
     mvaddchnstr			       curses_addchstr(3)
     mvaddchstr				       curses_addchstr(3)
     mvaddnstr				       curses_addstr(3)
     mvaddstr				       curses_addstr(3)
     mvchgat				       curses_chgat(3)
     mvcur				       curses_cursor(3)
     mvderwin				       curses_window(3)
     mvgetnstr				       curses_input(3)
     mvgetstr				       curses_input(3)
     mvhline				       curses_line(3)
     mvinchstr				       curses_inch(3)
     mvinchnstr				       curses_inch(3)
     mvprintw				       curses_print(3)
     mvscanw				       curses_scanw(3)
     mvvline				       curses_line(3)
     mvwaddch				       curses_addch(3)
     mvwaddchnstr			       curses_addchstr(3)
     mvwaddchstr			       curses_addchstr(3)
     mvwaddnstr				       curses_addstr(3)
     mvwaddstr				       curses_addstr(3)
     mvwchgat				       curses_chgat(3)
     mvwgetnstr				       curses_input(3)
     mvwgetstr				       curses_input(3)
     mvwhline				       curses_line(3)
     mvwinchstr				       curses_inch(3)
     mvwinchnstr			       curses_inch(3)
     mvwprintw				       curses_print(3)
     mvwscanw				       curses_scanw(3)
     mvwvline				       curses_line(3)
     napms				       curses_tty(3)
     newpad				       curses_pad(3)
     newterm				       curses_screen(3)
     newwin				       curses_window(3)
     nl					       curses_tty(3)
     nocbreak				       curses_tty(3)
     nodelay				       curses_input(3)
     noecho				       curses_tty(3)
     nonl				       curses_tty(3)
     noqiflush				       curses_tty(3)
     noraw				       curses_tty(3)
     notimeout				       curses_input(3)
     overlay				       curses_window(3)
     overwrite				       curses_window(3)
     pair_content			       curses_color(3)
     pnoutrefresh			       curses_pad(3)
     prefresh				       curses_pad(3)
     printw				       curses_print(3)
     putwin				       curses_fileio(3)
     qiflush				       curses_tty(3)
     raw				       curses_tty(3)
     redrawwin				       curses_touch(3)
     refresh				       curses_refresh(3)
     reset_prog_mode			       curses_tty(3)
     reset_shell_mode			       curses_tty(3)
     resetty				       curses_tty(3)
     resizeterm				       curses_screen(3)
     savetty				       curses_tty(3)
     scanw				       curses_scanw(3)
     scrl				       curses_scroll(3)
     scroll				       curses_scroll(3)
     scrollok				       curses_scroll(3)
     set_term				       curses_screen(3)
     setscrreg				       curses_scroll(3)
     setterm				       curses_screen(3)
     standend				       curses_standout(3)
     standout				       curses_standout(3)
     start_color			       curses_color(3)
     subpad				       curses_pad(3)
     subwin				       curses_window(3)
     termattrs				       curses_attributes(3)
     timeout				       curses_input(3)
     touchline				       curses_touch(3)
     touchoverlap			       curses_touch(3)
     touchwin				       curses_touch(3)
     unctrl				       curses_print(3)
     underend				       curses_underscore(3)
     underscore				       curses_underscore(3)
     ungetch				       curses_input(3)
     untouchwin				       curses_touch(3)
     use_default_colors			       curses_default_colors(3)
     vline				       curses_line(3)
     waddch				       curses_addch(3)
     waddchnstr				       curses_addchstr(3)
     waddchstr				       curses_addchstr(3)
     waddnstr				       curses_addstr(3)
     waddstr				       curses_addstr(3)
     wattr_get				       curses_attributes(3)
     wattr_off				       curses_attributes(3)
     wattr_on				       curses_attributes(3)
     wattr_set				       curses_attributes(3)
     wattroff				       curses_attributes(3)
     wattron				       curses_attributes(3)
     wattrset				       curses_attributes(3)
     wbkgd				       curses_background(3)
     wbkgdset				       curses_background(3)
     wborder				       curses_border(3)
     wchgat				       curses_chgat(3)
     wclear				       curses_clear(3)
     wclrtobot				       curses_clear(3)
     wclrtoeol				       curses_clear(3)
     wcolor_set				       curses_attributes(3)
     wdelch				       curses_delch(3)
     wdeleteln				       curses_deleteln(3)
     werase				       curses_clear(3)
     wgetch				       curses_input(3)
     wgetnstr				       curses_input(3)
     wgetstr				       curses_input(3)
     whline				       curses_line(3)
     winch				       curses_inch(3)
     winchnstr				       curses_inch(3)
     winchstr				       curses_inch(3)
     winnstr				       curses_inch(3)
     winsch				       curses_insertch(3)
     winsdelln				       curses_insdelln(3)
     winsertln				       curses_insertln(3)
     winstr				       curses_inch(3)
     wmove				       curses_cursor(3)
     wnoutrefresh			       curses_refresh(3)
     wprintw				       curses_print(3)
     wredrawln				       curses_touch(3)
     wrefresh				       curses_refresh(3)
     wresize				       curses_window(3)
     wscanw				       curses_scanw(3)
     wscrl				       curses_scroll(3)
     wsetscrreg				       curses_scroll(3)
     wstandend				       curses_standout(3)
     wstandout				       curses_standout(3)
     wtimeout				       curses_input(3)
     wtouchln				       curses_touch(3)
     wunderend				       curses_underscore(3)
     wunderscore			       curses_underscore(3)
     wvline				       curses_line(3)

     COLUMNS		The number of columns in the terminal if set.  This is
			usually automatically configured by querying the ker‐

     CURSES_TRACE_MASK	An integer mask that enables specific debugging
			traces.	 Enabled only in the debug build of curses.

     CURSES_TRACE_FILE	A file where to output debugging information.  Enabled
			only in the debug build of curses.

     ESCDELAY		The maximum delay in milliseconds between characters
			in multi-character keystrokes (such are arrow keys)
			where the adjacent characters are considered part of
			the same multi-character sequence.  The default is 300

     LINES		The number of lines in the terminal if set.  is usu‐
			ally automatically configured by querying the kernel.

     TERM		The terminal type of the current terminal.

     ioctl(2), getenv(3), tty(4), termcap(5)

     Ken Arnold, Screen Updating and Cursor Movement Optimization: A Library

     The NetBSD Curses library complies with the X/Open Curses specification,
     part of the Single Unix Specification.

     The Curses package appeared in 4.0BSD.

     Ken Arnold

BSD				October 4, 2011				   BSD
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