fujhk man page on NetBSD

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FUJBP(4)		 BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual		      FUJBP(4)

     fujbp, fujhk — Fujitsu Brightness, Pointer, and Hotkeys

     fujbp* at acpi?
     fujhk* at acpi?

     Some Fujitsu laptops come with vendor-specific ACPI devices to manage the
     laptop hotkeys (such as the ‘Eco’ button), and to control various built-
     in components (such as the display, the touchpad, and the speakers).  The
     fujbp and fujhk drivers provide support, through these ACPI devices, for
     hotkeys, backlight on/off switch, brightness level control, and pointer
     on/off switch.

     The following sysctl(8) read/write variables are provided (when hardware
     support is available):

	   hw.acpi.fujbp0.brightness  Brightness level (integer).

	   hw.acpi.fujbp0.pointer     Pointer switch state (boolean).

	   hw.acpi.fujhk0.backlight   Backlight switch state (boolean).

     Please note, however, that future versions of the drivers may remove
     these sysctl(8) variables without prior notice.

     acpi(4), acpivga(4), sysctl(8), pmf(9), sysmon_pswitch(9)

     The fujbp and fujhk drivers appeared in NetBSD 6.0.

     Grégoire Sutre ⟨gsutre@NetBSD.org⟩

     Brightness level and backlight switch state should be controlled via
     wsconsctl(8) instead of sysctl(8).

     The sysctl(8) variable hw.acpi.fujbp0.pointer should be replaced by a
     platform-independent userland control.

BSD			       February 20, 2011			   BSD
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