sysmon_pswitch man page on NetBSD

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SYSMON_PSWITCH(9)	 BSD Kernel Developer's Manual	     SYSMON_PSWITCH(9)

     sysmon_pswitch — framework for power switches

     #include <dev/sysmon/sysmonvar.h>

     sysmon_pswitch_register(struct sysmon_pswitch *smpsw);

     sysmon_pswitch_unregister(struct sysmon_pswitch *smpsw);

     sysmon_pswitch_event(struct sysmon_pswitch *smpsw, int event);

     The machine-independent sysmon_pswitch provides a framework for power
     management.  The interface has been largely superceded by the pmf(9)
     framework, but sysmon_pswitch is still used to manage power switches as
     well as related mechanical adapters and buttons.  These are encapsulated
     in the following structure:

     struct sysmon_pswitch {
	     const char *smpsw_name;	     /* power switch name */
	     int smpsw_type;		     /* power switch type */

	     LIST_ENTRY(sysmon_pswitch) smpsw_list;

     Unsurprisingly, smpsw_name specifies the name of the power switch and
     smpsw_type defines the type of it.	 The following types are defined:


     If the type is PSWITCH_TYPE_HOTKEY, there are few predefined names that
     can be used for smpsw_name:

	   PSWITCH_HK_DISPLAY_CYCLE  display-cycle
	   PSWITCH_HK_LOCK_SCREEN    lock-screen
	   PSWITCH_HK_BATTERY_INFO   battery-info
	   PSWITCH_HK_EJECT_BUTTON   eject-button
	   PSWITCH_HK_ZOOM_BUTTON    zoom-button
	   PSWITCH_HK_VENDOR_BUTTON  vendor-button

     Once a power switch event has been proceeded, sysmon_pswitch will inform
     the user space powerd(8), which will possibly execute a script matching
     the type of the power switch.

     After the sysmon_pswitch structure has been initialized, a new power
     switch device can be registered by using sysmon_pswitch_register().  The
     device can be detached from the framework by sysmon_pswitch_unregister().

     The sysmon_pswitch_event() is used to signal a new power switch event.
     There are two possibilities for the value of event:

	   PSWITCH_EVENT_PRESSED     A button has been pressed, the lid has
				     been closed, the AC adapter is off, etc.

	   PSWITCH_EVENT_RELEASED    A button has been released, the lid is
				     open, the AC adapter is on, etc.

     The corresponding events in powerd(8) are pressed and released.

     powerd(8), pmf(9), sysmon_envsys(9), sysmon_taskq(9)

     Jason R. Thorpe ⟨⟩

BSD			       January 26, 2010				   BSD
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