curses_input man page on NetBSD

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CURSES_INPUT(3)		 BSD Library Functions Manual	       CURSES_INPUT(3)

     curses_input, getch, wgetch, mvgetch, mvwgetch, define_key, keyok,
     getnstr, wgetnstr, mvgetnstr, mvwgetnstr, getstr, wgetstr, mvgetstr,
     mvwgetstr, keypad, notimeout, timeout, wtimeout, nodelay, ungetch —
     curses input stream routines

     Curses Library (libcurses, -lcurses)

     #include <curses.h>


     wgetch(WINDOW *win);

     mvgetch(int y, int x);

     mvwgetch(WINDOW *win, int y, int x);

     keyok(int key_symbol, bool flag);

     define_key(char *sequence, int key_symbol);

     getnstr(char *str, int limit);

     wgetnstr(WINDOW *win, char *str, int limit);

     mvgetnstr(int y, int x, char *str, int limit);

     mvwgetnstr(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, char *str, int limit);

     getstr(char *str);

     wgetstr(WINDOW *win, char *str);

     mvgetstr(int y, int x, char *str);

     mvwgetstr(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, char *str);

     keypad(WINDOW *win, boolf flag);

     notimeout(WINDOW *win, boolf flag);

     timeout(int delay);

     wtimeout(WINDOW *win, int delay);

     nodelay(WINDOW *win, boolf flag);

     ungetch(int c);

     extern int ESCDELAY;

     These functions read characters and strings from the window input file

     The getch() function reads a character from the stdscr input file
     descriptor and returns it.	 If the keypad() flag has been set to TRUE,
     then getch() will assemble multi-character key sequences into key sym‐
     bols, If the terminal is resized, getch() will return KEY_RESIZE, regard‐
     less of the setting of keypad().  Calling getch() will cause an implicit
     refresh() on stdscr.

     The wgetch() function is the same as the getch() function, excepting that
     it reads from the input file descriptor associated with the window speci‐
     fied by win.

     If the keypad() flag is TRUE then the assembly of specific key symbols
     can be disabled by using the keyok() function.  If the flag is set to
     FALSE on a key symbol then getch() will behave as if the character
     sequence associated with that key symbol was not recognised and will
     return the component characters one at a time to the caller.

     Custom associations between sequences of characters and a key symbol can
     be made by using the define_key() function.  Normally, these associations
     are made by the information in the termcap(5) database but the
     define_key() function gives the capability to remove or add more associa‐
     tions.  If define_key() is passed a non-NULL string in sequence it will
     associate that sequence with the key symbol passed in key_symbol.	The
     key symbol may be one of the ones listed below or a custom value that is
     application defined.  It is valid to have multiple character sequences
     map to the same key symbol and there are no constraints on the length of
     the sequence allowed.  The assembly of custom sequences follow the same
     rules for inter-character timing and so forth as the termcap(5) derived
     ones.  If define_key() is passed a NULL in sequence then all associations
     for the key symbol in key_symbol will be deleted, this includes any asso‐
     ciations that were derived from termcap(5).

     The mvgetch() and mvwgetch() functions are the same as the getch() and
     wgetch() functions, respectively, excepting that wmove() is called to
     move the cursor to the position specified by y, x before the character is

     Calling getnstr(), wgetnstr(), mvgetnstr() or mvwgetnstr() is effectively
     the same as calling getch() repeatedly until a newline is received or the
     character limit limit is reached.	Once this happens the string is NULL
     terminated and returned in str.  During input, the normal curses input
     key processing is performed and affects the input buffer.	The
     mvgetnstr() function calls wmove() to move the cursor to the position
     given by y, x before getting the string, wgetnstr() reads the input from
     the designated window, mvwgetnstr() moves the cursor to the position
     given by y, x before getting the input from the designated window.

     The functions getstr(), wgetstr(), mvgetstr(), and mvwgetstr() are simi‐
     lar to getnstr(), wgetnstr(), mvgetnstr(), and mvwgetnstr(), respec‐
     tively, excepting that there is no limit on the number of characters that
     may be inserted into str.	This may cause the buffer to be overflowed, so
     their use is not recommended.

     The keypad() function is used to affect how getch() processes input char‐
     acters.  If flag is set to TRUE, then getch() will scan the input stream
     looking for multi-character key sequences that are emitted by some termi‐
     nal function keys.	 If a recognised sequence of characters is found, then
     getch() will collapse that sequence into an integer key symbol, as shown
     below.  The default setting for the flag is FALSE.

     The notimeout() function controls whether or not getch() will wait indef‐
     initely between characters in a multi-character key sequence or not.  If
     flag is TRUE, then there is no timeout applied between characters com‐
     prising a multi-character key sequence.  If flag is FALSE, then the com‐
     ponent characters of a multi-character sequence must not have an inter-
     character gap of more than ESCDELAY.  If this timing is exceeded, then
     the multi-character key assembly is deemed to have failed and the charac‐
     ters read thus far are returned one at a time when getch() is called.
     The default setting for the flag is FALSE.	 The default value of ESCDELAY
     is 300ms.	If ESCDELAY is negative, no timeout is applied between charac‐
     ters comprising a multi-character key sequence.

     The timeout() function affects the behaviour of getch() when reading a
     character from stdscr.  If delay is negative, then getch() will block
     indefinitely on a read.  If delay is 0, then getch() will return immedi‐
     ately with ERR if there are no characters immediately available.  If
     delay is a positive number, then getch() will wait for that many mil‐
     liseconds before returning and, if no character was available, then ERR
     will be returned.	Note that for a positive number, the timeout is only
     accurate to the nearest tenth of a second.	 Also, the maximum value of
     delay is 25500 milliseconds.  The wtimeout() function does the same as
     timeout() but applies to the specified window win.

     The nodelay() function turns on and off blocking reads for getch().  If
     flag is TRUE, then getch() will not block on reads, if flag is FALSE,
     then reads will block.  The default setting for the flag is FALSE.
     nodelay(win, TRUE) is equivalent to wtimeout(win, 0) and nodelay(win,
     FALSE) is equivalent to wtimeout(win, -1).

     ungetch() will convert c into an unsigned char and push that character
     back onto the input stream.  Only one character of push-back is guaran‐
     teed to work, more may be possible depending on system resources.

     The functions getch(), wgetch(), mvgetch(), and mvwgetch() will return
     the value of the key pressed or ERR in the case of an error or a timeout.
     Additionally, if keypad(TRUE) has been called on a window, then it may
     return one of the following values:

	   Termcap entry    getch Return Value	  Key Function
	   !1		    KEY_SSAVE		  Shift Save
	   !2		    KEY_SSUSPEND	  Shift Suspend
	   !3		    KEY_SUNDO		  Shift Undo
	   #1		    KEY_SHELP		  Shift Help
	   #2		    KEY_SHOME		  Shift Home
	   #3		    KEY_SIC		  Shift Insert Character
	   #4		    KEY_SLEFT		  Shift Left Arrow
	   %0		    KEY_REDO		  Redo
	   %1		    KEY_HELP		  Help
	   %2		    KEY_MARK		  Mark
	   %3		    KEY_MESSAGE		  Message
	   %4		    KEY_MOVE		  Move
	   %5		    KEY_NEXT		  Next Object
	   %6		    KEY_OPEN		  Open
	   %7		    KEY_OPTIONS		  Options
	   %8		    KEY_PREVIOUS	  Previous Object
	   %9		    KEY_PRINT		  Print
	   %a		    KEY_SMESSAGE	  Shift Message
	   %b		    KEY_SMOVE		  Shift Move
	   %c		    KEY_SNEXT		  Shift Next Object
	   %d		    KEY_SOPTIONS	  Shift Options
	   %e		    KEY_SPREVIOUS	  Shift Previous Object
	   %f		    KEY_SPRINT		  Shift Print
	   %g		    KEY_SREDO		  Shift Redo
	   %h		    KEY_SREPLACE	  Shift Replace
	   %i		    KEY_SRIGHT		  Shift Right Arrow
	   %j		    KEY_SRSUME		  Shift Resume
	   &0		    KEY_SCANCEL		  Shift Cancel
	   &1		    KEY_REFERENCE	  Reference
	   &2		    KEY_REFRESH		  Refresh
	   &3		    KEY_REPLACE		  Replace
	   &4		    KEY_RESTART		  Restart
	   &5		    KEY_RESUME		  Resume
	   &6		    KEY_SAVE		  Save
	   &7		    KEY_SUSPEND		  Suspend
	   &8		    KEY_UNDO		  Undo
	   &9		    KEY_SBEG		  Shift Begin
	   *0		    KEY_SFIND		  Shift Find
	   *1		    KEY_SCOMMAND	  Shift Command
	   *2		    KEY_SCOPY		  Shift Copy
	   *3		    KEY_SCREATE		  Shift Create
	   *4		    KEY_SDC		  Shift Delete Character
	   *5		    KEY_SDL		  Shift Delete Line
	   *6		    KEY_SELECT		  Select
	   *7		    KEY_SEND		  Shift End
	   *8		    KEY_SEOL		  Shift Clear to EOL
	   *9		    KEY_SEXIT		  Shift Exit
	   @0		    KEY_FIND		  Find
	   @1		    KEY_BEG		  Begin
	   @2		    KEY_CANCEL		  Cancel
	   @3		    KEY_CLOSE		  Close
	   @4		    KEY_COMMAND		  Command
	   @5		    KEY_COPY		  Copy
	   @6		    KEY_CREATE		  Create
	   @7		    KEY_END		  End
	   @8		    KEY_ENTER		  Enter
	   @9		    KEY_EXIT		  Exit
	   F1		    KEY_F(11)		  Function Key 11
	   F2		    KEY_F(12)		  Function Key 12
	   F3		    KEY_F(13)		  Function Key 13
	   F4		    KEY_F(14)		  Function Key 14
	   F5		    KEY_F(15)		  Function Key 15
	   F6		    KEY_F(16)		  Function Key 16
	   F7		    KEY_F(17)		  Function Key 17
	   F8		    KEY_F(18)		  Function Key 18
	   F9		    KEY_F(19)		  Function Key 19
	   FA		    KEY_F(20)		  Function Key 20
	   FB		    KEY_F(21)		  Function Key 21
	   FC		    KEY_F(22)		  Function Key 22
	   FD		    KEY_F(23)		  Function Key 23
	   FE		    KEY_F(24)		  Function Key 24
	   FF		    KEY_F(25)		  Function Key 25
	   FG		    KEY_F(26)		  Function Key 26
	   FH		    KEY_F(27)		  Function Key 27
	   FI		    KEY_F(28)		  Function Key 28
	   FJ		    KEY_F(29)		  Function Key 29
	   FK		    KEY_F(30)		  Function Key 30
	   FL		    KEY_F(31)		  Function Key 31
	   FM		    KEY_F(32)		  Function Key 32
	   FN		    KEY_F(33)		  Function Key 33
	   FO		    KEY_F(34)		  Function Key 34
	   FP		    KEY_F(35)		  Function Key 35
	   FQ		    KEY_F(36)		  Function Key 36
	   FR		    KEY_F(37)		  Function Key 37
	   FS		    KEY_F(38)		  Function Key 38
	   FT		    KEY_F(39)		  Function Key 39
	   FU		    KEY_F(40)		  Function Key 40
	   FV		    KEY_F(41)		  Function Key 41
	   FW		    KEY_F(42)		  Function Key 42
	   FX		    KEY_F(43)		  Function Key 43
	   FY		    KEY_F(44)		  Function Key 44
	   FZ		    KEY_F(45)		  Function Key 45
	   Fa		    KEY_F(46)		  Function Key 46
	   Fb		    KEY_F(47)		  Function Key 47
	   Fc		    KEY_F(48)		  Function Key 48
	   Fd		    KEY_F(49)		  Function Key 49
	   Fe		    KEY_F(50)		  Function Key 50
	   Ff		    KEY_F(51)		  Function Key 51
	   Fg		    KEY_F(52)		  Function Key 52
	   Fh		    KEY_F(53)		  Function Key 53
	   Fi		    KEY_F(54)		  Function Key 54
	   Fj		    KEY_F(55)		  Function Key 55
	   Fk		    KEY_F(56)		  Function Key 56
	   Fl		    KEY_F(57)		  Function Key 57
	   Fm		    KEY_F(58)		  Function Key 58
	   Fn		    KEY_F(59)		  Function Key 59
	   Fo		    KEY_F(60)		  Function Key 60
	   Fp		    KEY_F(61)		  Function Key 61
	   Fq		    KEY_F(62)		  Function Key 62
	   Fr		    KEY_F(63)		  Function Key 63
	   K1		    KEY_A1		  Upper left key in keypad
	   K2		    KEY_B2		  Centre key in keypad
	   K3		    KEY_A3		  Upper right key in keypad
	   K4		    KEY_C1		  Lower left key in keypad
	   K5		    KEY_C3		  Lower right key in keypad
	   Km		    KEY_MOUSE		  Mouse Event
	   k0		    KEY_F0		  Function Key 0
	   k1		    KEY_F(1)		  Function Key 1
	   k2		    KEY_F(2)		  Function Key 2
	   k3		    KEY_F(3)		  Function Key 3
	   k4		    KEY_F(4)		  Function Key 4
	   k5		    KEY_F(5)		  Function Key 5
	   k6		    KEY_F(6)		  Function Key 6
	   k7		    KEY_F(7)		  Function Key 7
	   k8		    KEY_F(8)		  Function Key 8
	   k9		    KEY_F(9)		  Function Key 9
	   k;		    KEY_F(10)		  Function Key 10
	   kA		    KEY_IL		  Insert Line
	   ka		    KEY_CATAB		  Clear All Tabs
	   kB		    KEY_BTAB		  Back Tab
	   kb		    KEY_BACKSPACE	  Backspace
	   kC		    KEY_CLEAR		  Clear
	   kD		    KEY_DC		  Delete Character
	   kd		    KEY_DOWN		  Down Arrow
	   kE		    KEY_EOL		  Clear to End Of Line
	   kF		    KEY_SF		  Scroll Forward one line
	   kH		    KEY_LL		  Home Down
	   kh		    KEY_HOME		  Home
	   kI		    KEY_IC		  Insert Character
	   kL		    KEY_DL		  Delete Line
	   kl		    KEY_LEFT		  Left Arrow
	   kM		    KEY_EIC		  Exit Insert Character Mode
	   kN		    KEY_NPAGE		  Next Page
	   kP		    KEY_PPAGE		  Previous Page
	   kR		    KEY_SR		  Scroll One Line Back
	   kr		    KEY_RIGHT		  Right Arrow
	   kS		    KEY_EOS		  Clear to End Of Screen
	   kT		    KEY_STAB		  Set Tab
	   kt		    KEY_CTAB		  Clear Tab
	   ku		    KEY_UP		  Up Arrow

     Note that not all terminals are capable of generating all the keycodes
     listed above nor are termcap entries normally configured with all the
     above capabilities defined.

     Other functions that return an int will return one of the following val‐

     OK	  The function completed successfully.
     ERR  An error occurred in the function.

     Functions returning pointers will return NULL if an error is detected.

     curses_cursor(3), curses_keyname(3), curses_refresh(3), curses_tty(3),

     The NetBSD Curses library complies with the X/Open Curses specification,
     part of the Single Unix Specification.

     The keyok() and define_key() functions are implementations of extensions
     made by the NCurses library to the Curses standard.  Portable implementa‐
     tions should avoid the use of these functions.

     The Curses package appeared in 4.0BSD.

BSD				 July 25, 2006				   BSD
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