auth man page on Ultrix

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auth(5)								       auth(5)

       auth - auth database

       The  database  is  a  repository of security-relevant information about
       each user of the system. This database contains the encrypted  password
       associated  with	 the  user's account in addition to a list of assorted
       capabilities.  The database is stored as an database in the  files  and
       Records are retrieved with the library routine.	Access to the database
       is restricted to the superuser and members of the group

       Auth records may be converted to an ASCII representation	 whose	format
       The  first  field  is the UID of the entry that is used as the key into
       the database. Then follows:

       Encrypted Password
		      This is the  user's  encrypted  password.	 Whether  this
		      password	or  the	 one from the file is actually used is
		      determined by the security level that the system is run‐
		      ning at.

       Password Modification Time
		      This is the time(2) the password was last set.

       Minimum Password Lifetime
		      This  is the minimum number of seconds which must elapse
		      between setting passwords.

       Maximum Password Lifetime
		      This is the maximum period of time for which  the	 pass‐
		      word will be valid.

       Account Mask   These are capabilities pertaining to the account itself.
		      They are:

			 1 A_ENABLE: this account is enabled.
			 2 A_CHANGE_PASSWORD: The user can change his  or  her
			 4  A_ENTER_PASSWORD:  The user is not required to use
			 machine-generated passwords.

       Login Failure Count
		      This is the count of unsuccessful login  attempts	 since
		      the last successful login.

       Audit ID	      Positive	integer	 identifier  used  in generating audit
		      records for the user.

       Audit Control  See the reference page, SET_APROC_CNTL section for  more

       Audit Mask     Determines  which	 events	 will be audited for the user.
		      See the and reference pages for more information.

       Only the superuser and members of the group may read  information  from
       the auth database.  Only the superuser may modify the auth database.

See Also
       audcntl(2), getauthuid(3), getpwent(3), edauth(8)


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