yppoll man page on NetBSD

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YPPOLL(8)		  BSD System Manager's Manual		     YPPOLL(8)

     yppoll — ask version of NIS map from NIS server

     yppoll [-T] [-h host] [-d domain] mapname

     yppoll asks a NIS server process for the order number and which host is
     the master server for mapname.

     The options are as follows:

     -T	     Use TCP protocol instead of UDP for request if the -h option is

     -h host
	     Ask the NIS server process running on host for information about
	     mapname.  If host is not specified, the server polled is the
	     default server returned by ypwhich(1).

     -d domain
	     Use the NIS domain domain instead of the default domain as
	     returned by domainname(1).

     domainname(1), ypcat(1), ypmatch(1), ypwhich(1), nis(8), ypbind(8),

     Theo de Raadt and John Brezak

BSD			       January 25, 2008				   BSD
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