stringlist man page on NetBSD

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STRINGLIST(3)		 BSD Library Functions Manual		 STRINGLIST(3)

     stringlist, sl_init, sl_add, sl_free, sl_find, sl_delete — stringlist
     manipulation functions

     Standard C Library (libc, -lc)

     #include <stringlist.h>

     StringList *

     sl_add(StringList *sl, char *item);

     sl_free(StringList *sl, int freeall);

     char *
     sl_find(StringList *sl, const char *item);

     sl_delete(StringList *sl, const char *item, int freeit);

     The stringlist functions manipulate stringlists, which are lists of
     strings that extend automatically if necessary.

     The StringList structure has the following definition:

	   typedef struct _stringlist {
		   char	   **sl_str;
		   size_t    sl_max;
		   size_t    sl_cur;
	   } StringList;


	   sl_str  is a pointer to the base of the array containing the list,

	   sl_max  is the size of sl_str, and

	   sl_cur  is the offset in sl_str of the current element.

     The following stringlist manipulation functions are available:

       sl_init()    Create a stringlist.  Returns a pointer to a StringList,
		    or NULL in case of failure.

       sl_free()    Releases memory occupied by sl and the sl->sl_str array.
		    If freeall is non-zero, then each of the items within
		    sl->sl_str is released as well.

       sl_add()	    Add item to sl->sl_str at sl->sl_cur, extending the size
		    of sl->sl_str.  Returns zero upon success, -1 upon fail‐

       sl_find()    Find item in sl, returning NULL if it's not found.

       sl_delete()  Remove item from the list.	If freeit is non-zero, the
		    string is freed.  Returns 0 if the name is found and -1 if
		    the name is not found.

     free(3), malloc(3)

     The stringlist functions appeared in NetBSD 1.3.

BSD				  May 6, 2010				   BSD
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