sensible-editor man page on Hurd

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       sensible-editor,	 sensible-pager,  sensible-browser - sensible editing,
       paging, and web browsing

       sensible-editor [OPTIONS...]
       sensible-pager [OPTIONS...]
       sensible-browser url

       sensible-editor,	 sensible-pager	 and  sensible-browser	make  sensible
       decisions  on  which  editor,  pager,  and web browser to call, respec‐
       tively.	Programs in Debian can use these scripts as their default edi‐
       tor, pager, or web browser or emulate their behavior.

       Documentation  of  the EDITOR, VISUAL and PAGER variables in environ(7)
       and select-editor(1) for changing a user's default editor

Debian				  14 Nov 2010		    SENSIBLE-EDITOR(1)

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