screenblank man page on NetBSD

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SCREENBLANK(1)		  BSD General Commands Manual		SCREENBLANK(1)

     screenblank — screen saver daemon for wscons and FBIO machines

     screenblank [-k | -m] [-d inactivity-timeout] [-e wakeup-delay]
		 [-f framebuffer] [-i input-device]
     screenblank {-b | -u}

     screenblank disables the framebuffer if the keyboard and mouse are idle
     for a period of time, and re-enables the framebuffer when keyboard or
     mouse activity resumes.

     When killed with a SIGINT, SIGHUP, or SIGTERM, screenblank will re-enable
     the framebuffer.  The pid can be found in the file

     The options are as follows:

     -b	     Overriding the other options, simply try (once) to blank the
	     framebuffer, then exit.

     -d inactivity-timeout
	     Wait the number of seconds specified by inactivity-timeout,
	     expressed in the format “”, before disabling the frame‐
	     buffer due to inactivity.	The default is 600 seconds (10 min‐

     -e wakeup-delay
	     Wait the number of seconds specified by wakeup-delay, expressed
	     in the format “”, before re-enabling the framebuffer once
	     activity resumes.	The default is .25 seconds.

     -f framebuffer
	     Use the framebuffer device framebuffer instead of the default

     -i input-device
	     Add input-device to the list of devices to monitor for activity.

     -k	     Do not check the keyboard for activity.

     -m	     Do not check the mouse for activity.

     -u	     Overriding the other options, simply try (once) to unblank the
	     framebuffer, then exit.

     Note that the -k and -m flags are mutually exclusive.

     /dev/kbd			 The keyboard device.

     /dev/mouse			 The mouse device.

     /dev/console		 The console device.

     /dev/fb			 The default framebuffer.

     /dev/wskbd			 The keyboard for wscons machines.

     /dev/wsmouse		 The mouse device for wscons machines.

     /dev/ttyE0			 The console device for wscons machines.

     /var/run/	 File containing the pid of screenblank.

BSD			      September 23, 2006			   BSD
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