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RUMPCLIENT(3)		 BSD Library Functions Manual		 RUMPCLIENT(3)

     rumpclient — rump client library

     library “rumpclient” (librumpclient, -lrumpclient)

     #include <rump/rumpclient.h>
     #include <rump/rump_syscalls.h>




     struct rumpclient_fork *

     rumpclient_fork_init(struct rumpclient_fork *rfp);

     rumpclient_fork_cancel(struct rumpclient_fork *rfp);

     rumpclient_exec(const char *path, char *const argv[],
	 char *const envp[]);

     rumpclient_daemon(int nochdir, int noclose);

     rumpclient_setconnretry(time_t retrytime);

     rumpclient_syscall(int num, const void *sysarg, size_t argsize,
	 register_t *retval);

     rumpclient is the clientside implementation of the rump_sp(7) facility.
     It can be used to connect to a rump kernel server and make system call
     style requests.

     Every connection to a rump kernel server creates a new process context in
     the rump kernel.  By default a process is inherited from init, but
     through existing connections and the forking facility offered by
     rumpclient it is possible to form process trees.

	   Initialize rumpclient.  The server address is determined from the
	   environment variable RUMP_SERVER according to syntax described in
	   rump_sp(7).	The new process is registered to the rump kernel with
	   the command name from getprogname(3).

	   Fork a rump client process.	This also causes a host process fork
	   via fork(2).	 The child will have a copy of the parent's rump ker‐
	   nel file descriptors.

	   Like above, but the host uses vfork(2).

	   Low-level routine which instructs the rump kernel that the current
	   process is planning to fork.	 The routine returns a non-NULL cookie
	   if successful.

	   Low-level routine which works like rumpclient_init(), with the
	   exception that it uses the rfp context created by a call to
	   rumpclient_prefork().  This is typically called from the child of a
	   fork(2) call.

	   Cancel previously initiated prefork context.	 This is useful for
	   error handling in case a full fork could not be carried through.

     rumpclient_exec(path, argv, envp)
	   This call is a rumpclient wrapper around execve(2).	The wrapper
	   makes sure that the rump kernel process context stays the same in
	   the newly executed program.	This means that the rump kernel PID
	   remains the same and the same rump file descriptors are available
	   (apart from ones which were marked with FD_CLOEXEC).

	   It should be noted that the newly executed program must call
	   rumpclient_init() before any other rump kernel communication can
	   take place.	The wrapper cannot do it because it no longer has pro‐
	   gram control.  However, since all rump clients call the init rou‐
	   tine, this should not be a problem.

     rumpclient_daemon(noclose, nochdir)
	   This function performs the equivalent of daemon(3), but also
	   ensures that the internal call to fork(2) is handled properly.
	   This routine is provided for convenience.

	   Set the timeout for how long the client attempts to reconnect to
	   the server in case of a broken connection.  After the timeout
	   expires the client will return a failure for that particular
	   request.  It is critical to note that after a restablished connec‐
	   tion the rump kernel context will be that of a newly connected
	   client.  This means all previous kernel state such as file descrip‐
	   tors will be lost.  It is largely up to a particular application if
	   this has impact or not.  For example, web browsers tend to recover
	   fairly smoothly from a kernel server reconnect, while sshd(8) gets
	   confused if its sockets go missing.

	   If retrytime is a positive integer, it means the number of seconds
	   for which reconnection will be attempted.  The value 0 means that
	   reconnection will not be attempted, and all subsequent operations
	   will return the errno ENOTCONN.

	   Additionally, the following special values are accepted:

		 Attempt reconnection indefinitely.

		 Attempt reconnect exactly once.  What this precisely means
		 depends on the situation: e.g. getting EHOSTUNREACH immedi‐
		 ately or the TCP connection request timeouting are considered
		 to be one retry.

		 In case of a broken connection is detected at runtime, call
		 exit(3).  This is useful for example in testing.  It ensures
		 that clients are killed immediately when they attempt to com‐
		 municate with a halted server.

     rumpclient_syscall(num, sysarg, argsize, retval)
	   Execute an "indirect" system call.  In the normal case system calls
	   are executed through the interfaces in <rump/rump_syscalls.h> (for
	   example rump_sys_read(fd, buf, nbytes)).  This interface allows
	   calling the server with pre-marshalled arguments.

     Additionally, all of the supported rump system calls are available
     through this library.  See <rump/rump_syscalls.h> for a list.

     rumpclient routines return -1 in case of error and set errno.  In case of
     success a non-negative integer is returned, where applicable.

     rump_server(1), rump(3), rump_sp(7)

     Interfaces for a cryptographically authenticated client-server handshake
     do not currently exist.  This can be worked around with e.g. host access
     control and an ssh tunnel.

BSD			       February 16, 2011			   BSD
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