repquota man page on NetBSD

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REPQUOTA(8)		  BSD System Manager's Manual		   REPQUOTA(8)

     repquota — summarize quotas for a file system

     repquota [-ghuv] file-system ...
     repquota [-ghuv] -a
     repquota -x [-gu] file-system
     quotadump [-gu] file-system

     repquota prints a summary of the disk usage and quotas for the specified
     file systems.

     Available options:

     -a	     Print the quotas of all the mounted file systems.

     -g	     Print only group quotas (the default is to print both group and
	     user quotas if they exist).

     -h	     Numbers are displayed in a human readable format.

     -u	     Print only user quotas (the default is to print both group and
	     user quotas if they exist).

     -v	     Print a header line before printing each file system quotas.
	     Print all exiting quotas, including those whose current usage is

     -x	     Export file system quota data in a tabular dump format suitable
	     for quotarestore(8).  A single file system should be specified.

     If invoked as quotadump the behavior is the same as repquota -x.

     For each user or group, the current number files and amount of space (in
     kilobytes, unless the -h flag is used) is printed, along with any quotas
     created with edquota(8).

     Only the super-user may use this command.

     quota(1), libquota(3), fstab(5), edquota(8), quotacheck(8), quotaon(8),

     The repquota command appeared in 4.2BSD.

BSD				 May 12, 2012				   BSD
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