remque man page on NetBSD

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INSQUE(3)		 BSD Library Functions Manual		     INSQUE(3)

     insque, remque — insert/remove element from a queue

     Standard C Library (libc, -lc)

     #include <search.h>

     insque(void *elem, void *pred);

     remque(void *elem);

     insque() and remque() manipulate queues built from doubly linked lists.
     The queue can be either circular or linear.  The functions expect their
     arguments to point to a structure whose first and second members are
     pointers to the next and previous element, respectively.  The insque()
     function also allows the pred argument to be a NULL pointer for the ini‐
     tialization of a new linear list's head element.

     The insque() and remque() functions conform to IEEE Std 1003.1-2001

     The insque() and remque() are derived from the ‘insque’ and ‘remque’
     instructions on the VAX.  They first appeared in 4.2BSD.

BSD				April 30, 2010				   BSD
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