puffs man page on NetBSD

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PUFFS(4)		 BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual		      PUFFS(4)

     puffs — Pass-to-Userspace Framework File System

     file-system PUFFS
     pseudo-device putter

     puffs provides a framework for creating file systems as userspace
     servers.  The in-kernel VFS attachment is controlled through a special
     device node, /dev/puffs.  People looking to implement file systems should
     use the system through the convenience library described in puffs(3).

     A puffs file system can be unmounted regularly using umount(8).  The file
     system will automatically be unmounted in case the userspace server is
     killed or the control file descriptor closed.


     An unsupported experimental version of puffs first appeared in
     NetBSD 4.0.  A stable version appeared in NetBSD 5.0.

     Antti Kantee ⟨pooka@iki.fi⟩

BSD			       November 22, 2009			   BSD
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