printw man page on Ultrix

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printw(3cur)							  printw(3cur)

       printw, mvprintw, mvwprintw, wprintw - formatted write to a window

       #include <cursesX.h>

       int printw(fmt [, arg] ...)
       char ∗fmt;

       int wprintw(win, fmt [, arg] ...)
       WINDOW ∗win;
       char ∗fmt;

       int mvprintw(y, x, fmt [, arg] ...)
       int y, x;
       char ∗fmt;

       int mvwprintw(win, y, x, fmt [, arg] ...)
       WINDOW ∗win;
       int y, x;
       char ∗fmt;

       The routine adds a string to the default window starting at the current
       cursor position.	 This routine causes the string that would normally be
       output by to be output by

       The  routine adds a string to the specified window starting at the cur‐
       rent cursor position.  This routine causes the string that  would  nor‐
       mally be output by to be output by

       The  routine adds a string to the default window starting at the speci‐
       fied cursor position.  This routine causes the string that  would  nor‐
       mally be output by to be output by

       The routine adds a string to the specified window starting at the spec‐
       ified cursor position.  This routine causes the string that would  nor‐
       mally be output by to be output by

       All  these  routines  are analogous to It is advisable to use the field
       width options of to avoid leaving unwanted  characters  on  the	screen
       from earlier calls.

Return Values
       The and functions return OK on success and ERR on error.

See Also
       addstr(3cur), waddstr(3cur), printf(3s)


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