pcap_setnonblock man page on NetBSD

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       pcap_setnonblock, pcap_getnonblock - set or get the state of non-block‐
       ing mode on a capture device

       #include <pcap/pcap.h>

       char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];

       int pcap_setnonblock(pcap_t *p, int nonblock, char *errbuf);
       int pcap_getnonblock(pcap_t *p, char *errbuf);

       pcap_setnonblock() puts a capture handle into ``non-blocking'' mode, or
       takes  it  out  of ``non-blocking'' mode, depending on whether the non‐
       block argument is non-zero or zero.  It has no effect on ``savefiles''.
       If  there  is  an error, -1 is returned and errbuf is filled in with an
       appropriate error message; otherwise, 0 is returned.   In  ``non-block‐
       ing''  mode,  an	 attempt  to  read  from  the  capture descriptor with
       pcap_dispatch() will, if no packets are currently available to be read,
       return  0  immediately  rather  than  blocking  waiting	for packets to
       arrive.	pcap_loop() and pcap_next() will not work in  ``non-blocking''

       pcap_getnonblock()  returns  the	 current ``non-blocking'' state of the
       capture descriptor; it always returns 0 on ``savefiles''.  If there  is
       an  error,  -1  is returned and errbuf is filled in with an appropriate
       error message.

       errbuf is assumed to be able to hold at least PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE chars.

       pcap(3), pcap_loop(3), pcap_next_ex(3), pcap_geterr(3)

				 5 April 2008		   PCAP_SETNONBLOCK(3)
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