mld6query man page on NetBSD

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MLD6QUERY(8)		  BSD System Manager's Manual		  MLD6QUERY(8)

     mld6query — send multicast listener query

     mld6query [-dr] intface [maddr]

     mld6query sends an IPv6 multicast listener discovery (MLD) query packet
     toward the specified multicast address, maddr, toward interface intface.
     If you omit maddr, linklocal all nodes multicast address(ff02::1) is

     After sending a query, mld6query waits for replies for at most 10 sec‐
     onds.  If a reply is returned, mld6query prints it with its type and then
     waits for another reply.

     This program is provided only for debugging.  It is not necessary for
     normal use.

     With -d, mld6query will transmit MLD done packet instead of MLD query
     packet.  With -r, similarly, MLD report packet will be transmitted.  -dr
     options are for debugging purposes only.

     The program exits 0 on success, and >0 on failures.

     The mld6query command first appeared in WIDE/KAME IPv6 protocol stack

     mld6query does not take care of multicast addresses which have non link-
     local scope.

BSD				 May 17, 1998				   BSD
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