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MCA(4)			 BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual			MCA(4)

     mca — introduction to machine-independent MCA bus support and drivers

     mca0 at mainbus?

     options MCAVERBOSE

     Machine-dependent; depends on the bus topology and MCA bus interface of
     your system. Typical MCA buses are connected directly to the main system

     NetBSD includes a machine-independent MCA bus subsystem and several
     machine-independent MCA device drivers.

     NetBSD includes machine-independent MCA drivers, sorted by device type
     and driver name:

   SCSI controllers
	   aha	    Adaptec AHA-1640 SCSI interface

	   esp	    NCR 53C90 SCSI Adapter

   Disk and tape controllers
	   edc	    IBM ESDI Fixed Disk Controller

   Serial interfaces
	   com	    NS8250-, NS16450-, and NS16550-based serial cards.

   Network interfaces
	   tr	    TROPIC based token ring interfaces

	   ate	    Allied-Telesis 1720 Ethernet interface cards

	   we	    WD/SMC WD80x3x Ethernet interface cards and clones

	   le	    SKNET Personal and MC+ Ethernet interface cards

	   elmc	    3Com EtherLink/MC (3c523) Ethernet interface

	   ep	    3Com EtherLink III 3c529 Ethernet interface

	   tra	    Tiara LANCard/E and Standard MicroSystems 3016/MC Ethernet

     aha(4), ate(4), com(4), edc(4), elmc(4), ep(4), esp(4), le(4), ne(4),
     tr(4), tra(4), we(4)

     The machine-independent MCA subsystem appeared in NetBSD 1.5.

BSD				 March 3, 2005				   BSD
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