ln03rof, ln03rof_isolatin1, ln03rof_decmcs - LN03R ASCII to PostScript
translation filters
/usr/lib/lpdfilters/ln03rof [-c] [-nlogin] [-h host] [-wwidth] [-lnum]
[-iindent] [accounting file]
The filter translates ASCII to PostScript, handles the device dependen‐
cies of a PostScript printer and performs some accounting functions.
PostScript printers print documents formatted in the PostScript Page
Description Language only.
The and filters are alternatives to and affect how ASCII documents are
printed. They cause the encoding vectors for ISO Latin1 or DEC MCS to
be used instead of the Adobe Standard Encoding Vector described in the
LN03R PostScript Programmers Supplement. The filter uses idle cycles
to cache the fonts when accessed by the standard encoding vector. The
cached fonts cannot be used by or which means that small jobs are
slowed down.
The filter is transparent to documents already formatted in PostScript.
The filter assumes that all other documents are plain ASCII and trans‐
lates them into PostScript. The decision to translate is based on the
first two characters in the document. If they are `%!', the filter
assumes the document has already been formatted in PostScript. If the
first two characters are not `%!', the filter assumes that the document
is plain ASCII and translates it into PostScript. The filter ensures
that the printer receives documents formatted in PostScript only. The
filter maintains accounting information only for documents that it
translates. You specify the accounting file with the af field in the
file. For further information, see
You can specify the filter in both the of and the if fields of the
file. The specification of the filter in the file determines how the
command affects the printed document. For example:
· If you specify it in the of field only and do not suppress banner
pages, the filter always translates the document into PostScript.
· If you specify it in the if field and do not suppress banner pages,
the document does not print. In this case, the banner is sent
directly to the printer. Since the banner is not formatted in Post‐
Script, the printer cannot print the document and aborts the job.
· If you suppress the banner by including the sh field in or by
printing the file using the with the -h option, the document prints
· You can obtain the best results by specifying the filter in both
the of and if fields.
The ASCII data type for PrintServer software uses the filter. For more
information about how the PostScript translator is invoked, see
The filter sets a landscape print mode with a smaller font if the width
is greater than 80 columns. The default width for the entry in the
file is 132. To print using portrait mode, modify the file to include
the following two entries:
When printing in portrait mode, if the job page length is greater than
66 a smaller font is used.
For a more detailed discussion on filters see the ``Line Printer
Spooler Manual'' in the Supplementary Documents, Volume 2: Programmer.
The arguments passed to the filter depend on its use.
The of filter is called with the following arguments:
Specify length values from the pl field in the file .
Specify width values from the pw field in the file.
The if filter is passed the following arguments:
-c Print control characters when you use the -l option of to print the
file. (Optional flag).
Specify the host name of the job owner. (Used to record accounting
Specify the amount of indentation to be used. The last argument is
the name of the accounting file specified from the af field in the
Specify length value from the pl field in the file as it does with
the of filter. Arguments may have different values if the -w and/or
-z options of were used to print the file.
Specify the login name of the job owner. (Used to record accounting
Specify width value from the pw field in the file as it does with
the of filter. Arguments may have different values if the -w and/or
-z options of were used to print the file. These arguments only
affect documents that are translated from ASCII to PostScript.
The lf field (default /dev/null) in the file specifies the error log‐
ging file name.
Printer capabilities database.
Shell script to invoke PostScript translators.
See Alsolpr(1), pr(1), printcap(5), lpd(8), MAKEDEV(8), pac(8), xlator_call(8)
"Line Printer Spooler Manual", Supplementary Documents, Volume 2: Pro‐