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LINEDISC(9)		 BSD Kernel Developer's Manual		   LINEDISC(9)

     linedisc, ttyldisc_add, ttyldisc_lookup, ttyldisc_remove — extensible
     line discipline framework

     #include <sys/conf.h>

     ttyldisc_add(struct linesw *disc, int no);

     struct linesw *
     ttyldisc_remove(const char *name);

     struct linesw *
     ttyldisc_lookup(const char *name);

     The NetBSD TTY line discipline framework allows extensibility.  Modules
     that need special line disciplines can add them as convenient and do not
     need to modify tty_conf.c.	 Line disciplines are now managed by a string,
     rather than number.

     Once the framework has been initialized, a new line discipline can be
     added by creating and initializing a struct linesw and calling

     The following is a brief description of each function in the framework:

     ttyldisc_add()	Register a line discipline.  The l_name field of the
			struct linesw should point to a string which is to be
			the symbolic name of that line discipline.  For com‐
			patibility purposes, a line discipline number can be
			passed in no, but for new disciplines this should be
			set to -1.

     ttyldisc_lookup()	Look up a line discipline by name.  NULL is returned
			if it can not be found.

     ttyldisc_remove()	Remove a line discipline called name and return a
			pointer to it.	If the discipline cannot be found or
			removed ttyldisc_remove() will return NULL.


     The linedisc functions were added in NetBSD 1.6.

     The NetBSD extensible line discipline framework was created by Eduardo
     Horvath ⟨⟩.

BSD			       November 1, 2000				   BSD
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