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KTUTIL(8)		  BSD System Manager's Manual		     KTUTIL(8)

     ktutil — manage Kerberos keytabs

     ktutil [-k keytab | --keytab=keytab] [-v | --verbose] [--version]
	    [-h | --help] command [args]

     ktutil is a program for managing keytabs.	Supported options:

     -v, --verbose
	     Verbose output.

     command can be one of the following:

     add [-p principal] [--principal=principal] [-V kvno] [--kvno=kvno] [-e
		 enctype] [--enctype=enctype] [-w password]
		 [--password=password] [-r] [--random] [-s] [--no-salt] [-H]
		 Adds a key to the keytab. Options that are not specified will
		 be prompted for. This requires that you know the password or
		 the hex key of the principal to add; if what you really want
		 is to add a new principal to the keytab, you should consider
		 the get command, which talks to the kadmin server.

     change [-r realm] [--realm=realm] [--a host] [--admin-server=host] [--s
		 port] [--server-port=port]
		 Update one or several keys to new versions.  By default, use
		 the admin server for the realm of a keytab entry.  Otherwise
		 it will use the values specified by the options.

		 If no principals are given, all the ones in the keytab are

     copy keytab-src keytab-dest
		 Copies all the entries from keytab-src to keytab-dest.

     get [-p admin principal] [--principal=admin principal] [-e enctype]
		 [--enctypes=enctype] [-r realm] [--realm=realm] [-a admin
		 server] [--admin-server=admin server] [-s server port]
		 [--server-port=server port] principal ...
		 For each principal, generate a new key for it (creating it if
		 it doesn't already exist), and put that key in the keytab.

		 If no realm is specified, the realm to operate on is taken
		 from the first principal.

     list [--keys] [--timestamp]
		 List the keys stored in the keytab.

     remove [-p principal] [--principal=principal] [-V -kvno] [--kvno=kvno]
		 [-e -enctype] [--enctype=enctype]
		 Removes the specified key or keys. Not specifying a kvno
		 removes keys with any version number. Not specifying an
		 enctype removes keys of any type.

     rename from-principal to-principal
		 Renames all entries in the keytab that match the
		 from-principal to to-principal.

     purge [--age=age]
		 Removes all old versions of a key for which there is a newer
		 version that is at least age (default one week) old.


BSD				April 14, 2005				   BSD
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