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ctype(3)							      ctype(3)

       isalpha,	  isupper,   islower,  isdigit,	 isxdigit,  isalnum,  isspace,
       ispunct, isprint, isgraph, iscntrl, isascii - character	classification

       #include <ctype.h>

       int isalpha (c)

       int c;

       These  macros  classify character-coded integer values according to the
       rules of the coded character set (codeset) identified by the last  suc‐
       cessful	call  to category All macros return non-zero for true and zero
       for false.

       If category has not been called successfully, or if character classifi‐
       cation  information  is	not  available	for a supported language, then
       characters are classified according to the rules	 of  the  ASCII	 7-bit
       coded character set, returning 0 for values above octal 0177.

       The macro provides a result for all integer values.  The rest provide a
       result for EOF and values in the character range of the codeset identi‐
       fied by the last successful call to category

       c	      is a letter

       c	      is an uppercase letter

       c	      is a lowercase letter

       c	      is a digit

       c	      is  a hexadecimal digit, by default [0-9], [A-F], or [a-

       c	      is an alphanumeric character

       c	      is a space, tab, carriage return, new line, or form feed

       c	      is a punctuation character  (neither  control,  alphanu‐
		      meric, nor space)

       c	      is  a printing character, by default code 040(8) (space)
		      through 0176 (tilde)

       c	      is a printing character, like except false for space

       c	      is a delete character (0177) or ordinary control charac‐
		      ter (less than 040) except for space characters

       c	      is an ASCII character, code less than 0200

   International Environment
       LC_CTYPE	      If  this environment variable is set and valid, uses the
		      international language database named in the  definition
		      to determine character classification rules.

       LANG	      If  this environment variable is set and valid, uses the
		      international language database named in the  definition
		      to  determine  the character classification rules. If is
		      defined, that definition supercedes the definition of

See Also
       conv(3), setlocale(3), stdio(3s), environ(5int), ascii(7)
       Guide to Developing International Software


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