isdntelctl man page on NetBSD

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ISDNTELCTL(8)		  BSD System Manager's Manual		 ISDNTELCTL(8)

     isdntelctl — control isdn4bsd telephone sound format conversion

     isdntelctl [-c] [-g] [-u unit] [-A] [-U] [-N]

     isdntelctl is part of the isdn4bsd package and is used to configure the
     sound format conversion facilities of the /dev/isdntel interfaces.

     The following options are available:

     -c	     Clear the telephone input queue.

     -g	     Get the sound format currently in use.

     -u	     Set the /dev/isdntel unit number.	The default value is zero to
	     access device /dev/isdntel0.

     -A	     Do A-law (ISDN line) -> mu-law (userland) conversion.

     -U	     Do mu-law (ISDN line) -> A-law (userland) conversion.

     -N	     Set sound conversion to do no format conversion.

     The telephony data stream comes out of the line in a bit-reversed format,
     so the isdntel(4) driver does the bit-reversion process in any case.

     Additionally, the user can specify to do A-law to mu-law, mu-law to A-law
     or no conversion at all in the isdntel driver by using the isdntelctl


     The command

	   isdntelctl -g

     displays the currently used sound format for device /dev/isdntel0.

     isdntel(4), isdnd.rc(5), isdnd(8)

     A-law and mu-law are specified in ITU Recommendation G.711.

     The isdntelctl utility and this man page were written by Hellmuth
     Michaelis ⟨⟩.

BSD				April 21, 1999				   BSD
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