isdnd.rates man page on NetBSD

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ISDND.RATES(5)		    BSD File Formats Manual		ISDND.RATES(5)

     isdnd.rates — isdn4bsd ISDN management daemon rates description file

     The file isdnd.rates contains descriptions how long charging units last
     at a given time of day, day of week and the distance to the destination.
     If this file is available, this information may be used by the isdnd(8)
     ISDN connection management daemon to calculate the short hold time for a

     The format of a rate entry line is as follows:

     The first field, the (rate-code) defines a collection of rates (for each
     day of the week) which can be referenced in the isdnd(8) configuration
     file isdnd.rc(5).	This field must start with the identifier “ra” fol‐
     lowed by a digit in the range of zero to four.

     The second field, the (day-number) selects the day of week for which this
     entry defines the rates, where 0 stands for Sunday, 1 for Monday and so
     on until the digit 6 which stands for Saturday.

     The rest of the line consists of one or more space separated fields which
     have the following syntax:


     Start_hour and start_minutes define the begin of a time section and
     end_hour and end_minutes define the end.  Charge_unit_length define the
     length of a charging unit in the previously defined time section.	No
     spaces or tabs are allowed inside this field.  The hour and minutes spec‐
     ifications MUST have exactly 2 digits, in case just one digit is needed,
     a leading 0 must be used.

     For example,


     defines, that between 2:00 PM and 6:00 PM the length of one charging unit
     lasts 90 seconds.

     /etc/isdn/isdnd.rates  The default rates specification file for the isdnd
			    ISDN daemon.

     The line:

     ra0 0 00.00-05.00:240 05.00-21.00:150 21.00-24.00:240

     defines the unit lengths for a Sunday.

     isdnd.rc(5), isdnd(8)

     The rates subsystem for the isdnd(8) daemon to which isdnd.rates belongs
     was designed and written by Gary Jennejohn.

     The isdnd(8) daemon and this manual page were written by
     Hellmuth Michaelis ⟨⟩.

BSD			      September 11, 1998			   BSD
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