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PPPOECTL(8)		  BSD System Manager's Manual		   PPPOECTL(8)

     pppoectl, ipppctl — display or set parameters for an pppoe or isdn ppp
     (ippp) interface

     pppoectl [-v] ifname [parameter[=value]] [...]

     ipppctl [-v] ifname [parameter[=value]] [...]

     pppoectl -e ethernet-ifname [-s service-name]
	      [-a access-concentrator-name] [-d] [-n 1 | 2] ifname

     pppoectl -f config-file ifname [...]

     There are two basic modes of operation: configuring security-related
     parameters and attaching a PPPoE interface to its ethernet interface,
     optionally passing in additional parameters for the PPPoE encapsulation.

     The latter usage is indicated by the presence of the -e option, which
     takes the name of the ethernet interface as its argument.

     -e	     specifies the ethernet interface used to communicate with the
	     access concentrator (typically via a DSL modem).

     -a	     specifies the name of the access concentrator.

     -s	     specifies the name of the service connected to.

     -d	     dump the current connection state information (this parameter is
	     typically used alone, for informational purposes, not during
	     interface configuration).

     -n 1 | 2
	     print the IP address of the primary or secondary DNS name server
	     for this PPP connection.  This is only available if DNS query is
	     enabled, see query-dns.

     -f	     parse config-file for parameter[=value] pairs, one per line, as
	     if they had been specified on the command line.  This allows the
	     password to be not passed as a command line argument.  Unless
	     escaped by \, comments starting with # to the end of the current
	     line are ignored.

     Typically, not both the access concentrator name and the service name are

     The ippp(4) or the pppoe(4) drivers require a number of additional argu‐
     ments or optional parameters besides the settings that can be adjusted
     with ifconfig(8).	These are things like authentication protocol parame‐
     ters, but also other tunable configuration variables.  The pppoectl util‐
     ity can be used to display the current settings, or adjust these parame‐
     ters as required.

     For whatever intent pppoectl is being called, at least the parameter
     ifname needs to be specified, naming the interface for which the settings
     are to be performed or displayed.	Use ifconfig(8) or netstat(1) to see
     which interfaces are available.

     If no other parameter is given, pppoectl will just list the current set‐
     tings for ifname and exit.	 The reported settings include the current PPP
     phase the interface is in, which can be one of the names dead, establish,
     authenticate, network, or terminate.  If an authentication protocol is
     configured for the interface, the name of the protocol to be used, as
     well as the system name to be used or expected will be displayed, plus
     any possible options to the authentication protocol if applicable.	 Note
     that the authentication secrets (sometimes also called keys) are not
     being returned by the underlying system call, and are thus not displayed.

     If any additional parameter is supplied, superuser privileges are
     required, and the command works in ‘set’ mode.  This is normally done
     quietly, unless the option -v is also enabled, which will cause a final
     printout of the settings as described above once all other actions have
     been taken.  Use of this mode will be rejected if the interface is cur‐
     rently in any other phase than dead.  Note that you can force an inter‐
     face into dead phase by calling ifconfig(8) with the parameter ‘down’.

     The currently supported parameters include:

     authproto=protoname	Set both his and my authentication protocol to
				protoname.  The protocol name can be one of
				‘chap’, ‘pap’, or ‘none’.  In the latter case,
				the use of an authentication protocol will be
				turned off for the named interface.  This has
				the side-effect of clearing the other authen‐
				tication-related parameters for this interface
				as well (i.  e., system name and authentica‐
				tion secret will be forgotten).

     myauthproto=protoname	Same as above, but only for my end of the
				link.  I.e., this is the protocol when remote
				is authenticator, and I am the peer required
				to authenticate.

     hisauthproto=protoname	Same as above, but only for his end of the

     myauthname=name		Set my system name for the authentication pro‐

     hisauthname=name		Set his system name for the authentication
				protocol.  For CHAP, this will only be used as
				a hint, causing a warning message if remote
				did supply a different name.  For PAP, it's
				the name remote must use to authenticate him‐
				self (in connection with his secret).

     myauthsecret=secret	Set my secret (key, password) for use in the
				authentication phase.  For CHAP, this will be
				used to compute the response hash value, based
				on remote's challenge.	For PAP, it will be
				transmitted as plaintext together with the
				system name.  Don't forget to quote the
				secrets from the shell if they contain shell
				metacharacters (or whitespace).

     myauthkey=secret		Same as above.

     hisauthsecret=secret	Same as above, to be used if we are authenti‐
				cator and the remote peer needs to authenti‐

     hisauthkey=secret		Same as above.

     callin			Require remote to authenticate himself only
				when he's calling in, but not when we are
				caller.	 This is required for some peers that
				do not implement the authentication protocols
				symmetrically (like Ascend routers, for exam‐

     always			The opposite of callin.	 Require remote to
				always authenticate, regardless of which side
				is placing the call.  This is the default, and
				will not be explicitly displayed in ‘list’

     norechallenge		Only meaningful with CHAP.  Do not re-chal‐
				lenge peer once the initial CHAP handshake was
				successful.  Used to work around broken peer
				implementations that can't grok being re-chal‐
				lenged once the connection is up.

     rechallenge		With CHAP, send re-challenges at random inter‐
				vals while the connection is in network phase.
				(The intervals are currently in the range of
				300 through approximately 800 seconds.)	 This
				is the default, and will not be explicitly
				displayed in ‘list’ mode.

     idle-timeout=idle-seconds	For services that are charged by connection
				time the interface can optionally disconnect
				after a configured idle time.  If set to 0,
				this feature is disabled.  Note: for ISDN
				devices, it is preferable to use the isdnd(8)
				based timeout mechanism, as isdnd can predict
				the next charging unit for ISDN connections
				and optimize the timeout with this informa‐

     lcp-timeout=timeout-value	Allows to change the value of the LCP timeout.
				The default value of the LCP timeout is cur‐
				rently set to 1 second.	 The timeout-value
				must be specified in milliseconds.

     max-noreceive=sec		Sets the number of seconds after last recep‐
				tion of data from the peer before the line
				state is probed by sending LCP echo requests.
				The sec interval is not used verbatim, the
				first echo request might be delayed upto 10
				seconds after the configured interval.

     max-alive-missed=count	Sets the number of unanswered LCP echo
				requests that we will tolerate before consid‐
				ering a connection to be dead.	LCP echo
				requests are sent in 10 seconds interval after
				the configured max-noreceive interval has
				passed with no data received from the peer.

     max-auth-failure=count	Since some ISPs disable accounts after too
				many unsuccessful authentication attempts,
				there is a maximum number of authentication
				failures before we will stop retrying without
				manual intervention.  Manual intervention is
				either changing the authentication data (name,
				password) or setting the maximum retry count.
				If count is set to 0 this feature is disabled.

     clear-auth-failure		If an authentication failure has been caused
				by remote problems and you want to retry con‐
				necting using unchanged local settings, this
				command can be used to reset the failure count
				to zero.

     query-dns=flags		During PPP protocol negotiation we can query
				the peer for addresses of two name servers.
				If flags is 1 only the first server address
				will be requested, if flags is 2 the second
				will be requested.  Setting flags to 3 queries

				The result of the negotiation can be retrieved
				with the -n option.

     # ipppctl ippp0
     ippp0:  phase=dead
	     myauthproto=chap myauthname="uriah"
	     hisauthproto=chap hisauthname="ifb-gw" norechallenge
	     lcp timeout: 3.000 s

     Display the settings for ippp0.  The interface is currently in dead
     phase, i.e. the LCP layer is down, and no traffic is possible.  Both ends
     of the connection use the CHAP protocol, my end tells remote the system
     name ‘uriah’, and remote is expected to authenticate by the name
     ‘ifb-gw’.	Once the initial CHAP handshake was successful, no further
     CHAP challenges will be transmitted.  There are supposedly some known
     CHAP secrets for both ends of the link which are not being shown.

     # ipppctl ippp0 \
	     authproto=chap \
	     myauthname=uriah myauthsecret='some secret' \
	     hisauthname=ifb-gw hisauthsecret='another' \

     A possible call to pppoectl that could have been used to bring the inter‐
     face into the state shown by the previous example.

     The following example is the complete sequence of commands to bring a
     PPPoE connection up:

     # Need ethernet interface UP (or it won't send any packets)
     ifconfig ne0 up

     # Let pppoe0 use ne0 as its ethernet interface
     pppoectl -e ne0 pppoe0

     # Configure authentication
     pppoectl pppoe0 \
       myauthproto=pap \
       myauthname=XXXXX \
       myauthsecret=YYYYY \

     # Configure the pppoe0 interface itself.  These addresses are magic,
     # meaning we don't care about either address and let the remote
     # ppp choose them.
     ifconfig pppoe0 netmask 0xffffffff up

     netstat(1), ippp(4), pppoe(4), ifconfig(8), ifwatchd(8)

     B. Lloyd and W. Simpson, PPP Authentication Protocols, RFC 1334.

     W. Simpson, Editor, The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), RFC 1661.

     W. Simpson, PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP), RFC

     L. Mamakos, K. Lidl, J. Evarts, D. Carrel, D. Simone, and R. Wheeler, A
     Method for Transmitting PPP Over Ethernet (PPPoE), RFC 2516.

     The pppoectl utility is based on the spppcontrol utility which appeared
     in FreeBSD 3.0.

     The program was written by Jörg Wunsch, Dresden, and modified for PPPoE
     support by Martin Husemann.

BSD			       October 11, 2011				   BSD
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