INTRO(3F)INTRO(3F)NAMEintro - introduction to Fortran library functions and subroutines
This section describes those functions and subroutines that are in the
Fortran runtime library. The functions and subroutines listed here
provide an interface from Fortran programs to the system in the same
manner as the C library does for C programs. (You can also access the
C library directly if you use pragmas.) These functions and subrouā
tines are automatically loaded as needed by the Fortran compiler
Most of these routines are in libfui.a and libfsu.a. Some routines are
in lib77compat.a and
Additional information can be found in the Fortran Library Reference
Name Appears on Page Description
abort abort(3F) terminate abruptly; write memory image to core file
access access(3F) return access mode (r,w,x) or existence of a file
alarm alarm(3F) execute a subroutine after a specified time
bit bit(3F) and/or/xor/not/rshift/lshift/bic/bis/bit/setbit functions
chdir chdir(3F) change default directory
chmod chmod(3F) change mode of a file
ctime time(3F) return system time
date date(3F) return date in character form
date_and_time Fortran 95-style date routine
drand rand(3F) random values
dtime etime(3F) return elapsed execution time
etime etime(3F) return elapsed execution time
exit exit(3F) terminate process with status
floatingpoint IEEE floating-point definitions
ieee_environment IEEE floating-point mode, status, and signals
fdate fdate(3F) return date and time in an ASCII string
fgetc getc(3F) get a character from a logical unit
flush flush(3F) flush output to a logical unit
fork fork(3F) create a copy of this process
fputc putc(3F) write a character to a Fortran logical unit
free free(3F) memory deallocator
fseek fseek(3F) reposition a file on a logical unit
fseeko64 fseeko64(3F) reposition a long file on a logical unit
fstat stat(3F) get file status
fstat64 stat64(3F) get file status (long file)
ftell fseek(3F) reposition a file on a logical unit
ftell64 fseek64(3F) reposition a long file on a logical unit
gerror perror(3F) get system error messages
getarg getarg(3F) get the kth command-line argument
getc getc(3F) get a character from a logical unit
getcwd getcwd(3F) get pathname of current working directory
getenv getenv(3F) get value of environment variables
getfd getfd(3F) get file descriptor of external unit number
getfilep getfilep(3F) get file pointer of external unit number
getgid getuid(3F) get user or group ID of the caller
getlog getlog(3F) get user's login name
getpid getpid(3F) get process id
getuid getuid(3F) get user or group ID of the caller
gmtime time(3F) return system time
hostnm hostnm(3F) get name of current host
iargc getarg(3F) return the number of arguments after command name
idate idate(3F) return date in numerical form
ierrno perror(3F) get system error messages
index index(3F) return index of first occurrence of string a2 in a1
inmax inmax(3F) return the maximum positive integer
ioinit ioinit(3F) initialize IO carriage control, blanks, append, names
irand rand(3F) random values
isatty ttynam(3F) returns true if unit is a terminal device
isetjmp longjmp(3F) save the stack and register envirnoment for longjmp
itime itime(3F) return time in numerical form
kill kill(3F) send a signal to a process
len index(3F) return declared length of character string
libm_double double-precision libm (math) functions
libm_quadruple quadruple-precision libm (math) functions
libm_single single-precision libm (math) functions
link link(3F) make a link to an existing file
lnblnk index(3F) return index of last non-blank in character string
loc loc(3F) return the address of an object
long long(3F) integer object conversion
longjmp long(3F) return to the location set by isetjmp
lstat stat(3F) get file status
lstat64 stat64(3F) get long file status
ltime time(3F) return system time
malloc malloc(3F) memory allocator
mvbits mvbits(3F) move bits, VMS
perror perror(3F) get system error messages
putc putc(3F) write a character to a Fortran logical unit
qsort qsort(3F) quick sort
ran ran(3F) random values, VMS
rand rand(3F) random values
rename rename(3F) rename a file
rindex index(3F) return index of last occurrence of string a2 in a1
secnds secnds(3F) return system time, VMS
sh sh(3F) fast execute of sh command
short long(3F) integer object conversion
signal signal(3F) change the action for a signal
sleep sleep(3F) suspend execution for an interval
stat stat(3F) get file status
stat64 stat64(3F) get long file status
symlnk link(3F) make a link to an existing file
system system(3F) execute operating system command
tclose topen(3F) f77 tape close (obsolete)
time time(3F) return system time (obsolete)
topen topen(3F) f77 tape open (obsolete)
tread topen(3F) f77 tape read (obsolete)
trewin topen(3F) f77 tape rewind (obsolete)
tskipf topen(3F) f77 tape skip files or records, reset eof and eot status (obsolete)
tstate topen(3F) logical state of f77 tape I/O channel (obsolete)
ttynam ttynam(3F) find name of a terminal port
twrite topen(3F) f77 tape write (obsolete)
unlink unlink(3F) remove a file
wait wait(3F) wait for a process to terminate
2003/02/25 INTRO(3F)