hpropd man page on NetBSD

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HPROPD(8)		  BSD System Manager's Manual		     HPROPD(8)

     hpropd — receive a propagated database

     hpropd [-d file | --database=file] [-n | --stdin] [--print]
	    [-i | --no-inetd] [-k keytab | --keytab=keytab] [-4 | --v4dump]

     hpropd receives a database sent by hprop.	and writes it as a local data‐

     By default, hpropd expects to be started from inetd if stdin is a socket
     and expects to receive the dumped database over stdin otherwise.  If the
     database is sent over the network, it is authenticated and encrypted.
     Only connections authenticated with the principal kadmin/hprop are

     Options supported:

     -d file, --database=file

     -n, --stdin
	     read from stdin

	     print dump to stdout

     -i, --no-inetd
	     not started from inetd

     -k keytab, --keytab=keytab
	     keytab to use for authentication

     -4, --v4dump
	     create v4 type DB


BSD				August 27, 1997				   BSD
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