gltexcoord4fcolor4fnormal3fvertex4fvsun man page on Solaris

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       glColor4ubVertex2fSUN,  glColor4ubVertex2fvSUN,	glColor4ubVertex3fSUN,
       glColor4ubVertex3fvSUN,	glColor3fVertex3fSUN,	glColor3fVertex3fvSUN,
       glNormal3fVertex3fSUN,	glNormal3fVertex3fvSUN,	 glColor4fNormal3fVer‐
       tex3fSUN,    glColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN,    glTexCoord2fVertex3fSUN,
       glTexCoord2fVertex3fvSUN,   glTexCoord4fVertex4fSUN,   glTexCoord4fVer‐
       tex4fvSUN,  glTexCoord2fColor4ubVertex3fSUN,   glTexCoord2fColor4ubVer‐
       tex3fvSUN,    glTexCoord2fColor3fVertex3fSUN,   glTexCoord2fColor3fVer‐
       tex3fvSUN,  glTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fSUN,   glTexCoord2fNormal3fVer‐
       tex3fvSUN,	glTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN,	      glTexCo‐
       ord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN,       glTexCoord4fColor4fNormal3fVer‐
       tex4fSUN,    glTexCoord4fColor4fNormal3fVertex4fvSUN,	glReplacement‐
       CodeuiVertex3fSUN,   glReplacementCodeuiVertex3fvSUN,	glReplacement‐
       CodeuiColor4ubVertex3fSUN,      glReplacementCodeuiColorubVertex3fvSUN,
       glReplacementCodeuiColor3fVertex3fSUN,	glReplacementCodeuiColor3fVer‐
       tex3fvSUN,    glReplacementCodeuiNormal3fVertex3fSUN,	glReplacement‐
       CodeuiNormal3fVertex3fvSUN,	glReplacementCodeuiColor4fNormal3fVer‐
       tex3fSUN,   glReplacementCodeuiColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN,  glReplace‐
       mentCodeuiTexCoord2fVertex3fSUN,	     glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fVer‐
       tex3fvSUN, glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fSUN, glReplace‐
       mentCodeuiTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN,     glReplacementCodeuiTexCo‐
       ord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN,		     glReplacementCodeuiTexCo‐
       ord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN - specify a vertex  and	 some  of  the
       current vertex state

       void glColor4ubVertex2fSUN( GLubyte r,
				   GLubyte g,
				   GLubyte b,
				   GLubyte a,
				   GLfloat x,
				   GLfloat y )
       void glColor4ubVertex3fSUN( GLubyte r,
				   GLubyte g,
				   GLubyte b,
				   GLubyte a,
				   GLfloat x,
				   GLfloat y,
				   GLfloat z )
       void glColor3fVertex3fSUN( GLfloat r,
				  GLfloat g,
				  GLfloat b,
				  GLfloat x,
				  GLfloat y,
				  GLfloat z )
       void glNormal3fVertex3fSUN( GLfloat nx,
				   GLfloat ny,
				   GLfloat nz,
				   GLfloat x,
				   GLfloat y,
				   GLfloat z )
       void glColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN( GLfloat r,
					  GLfloat g,
					  GLfloat b,
					  GLfloat a,
					  GLfloat nx,
					  GLfloat ny,
					  GLfloat nz,
					  GLfloat x,
					  GLfloat y,
					  GLfloat z )
       void glTexCoord2fVertex3fSUN( GLfloat s,
				     GLfloat t,
				     GLfloat x,
				     GLfloat y,
				     GLfloat z )
       void glTexCoord4fVertex4fSUN( GLfloat s,
				     GLfloat t,
				     GLfloat p,
				     GLfloat q,
				     GLfloat x,
				     GLfloat y,
				     GLfloat z,
				     GLfloat w )
       void glTexCoord2fColor4ubVertex3fSUN( GLfloat s,
					     GLfloat t,
					     GLubyte r,
					     GLubyte g,
					     GLubyte b,
					     GLubyte a,
					     GLfloat x,
					     GLfloat y,
					     GLfloat z )
       void glTexCoord2fColor3fVertex3fSUN( GLfloat s,
					    GLfloat t,
					    GLfloat r,
					    GLfloat g,
					    GLfloat b,
					    GLfloat x,
					    GLfloat y,
					    GLfloat z )
       void glTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fSUN( GLfloat s,
					     GLfloat t,
					     GLfloat nx,
					     GLfloat ny,
					     GLfloat nz,
					     GLfloat x,
					     GLfloat y,
					     GLfloat z )
       void glTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN( GLfloat s,
						    GLfloat t,
						    GLfloat r,
						    GLfloat g,
						    GLfloat b,
						    GLfloat a,
						    GLfloat nx,
						    GLfloat ny,
						    GLfloat nz,
						    GLfloat x,
						    GLfloat y,
						    GLfloat z )
       void glTexCoord4fColor4fNormal3fVertex4fSUN( GLfloat s,
						    GLfloat t,
						    GLfloat p,
						    GLfloat q,
						    GLfloat r,
						    GLfloat g,
						    GLfloat b,
						    GLfloat a,
						    GLfloat nx,
						    GLfloat ny,
						    GLfloat nz,
						    GLfloat x,
						    GLfloat y,
						    GLfloat z,
						    GLfloat w )
       void glReplacementCodeuiVertex3fSUN( GLuint rc,
					    GLfloat x,
					    GLfloat y,
					    GLfloat z )
       void glReplacementCodeuiColor4ubVertex3fSUN( GLuint rc,
						    GLubyte r,
						    GLubyte g,
						    GLubyte b,
						    GLubyte a,
	       GLfloat x,
	       GLfloat y,
	       GLfloat z )
       void glReplacementCodeuiColor3fVertex3fSUN( GLuint rc,
						   GLfloat r,
						   GLfloat g,
						   GLfloat b,
	       GLfloat x,
	       GLfloat y,
	       GLfloat z )
       void glReplacementCodeuiNormal3fVertex3fSUN( GLuint rc,
	       GLfloat nx,
	       GLfloat ny,
	       GLfloat nz,
	       GLfloat x,
	       GLfloat y,
	       GLfloat z )
       void glReplacementCodeuiColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN( GLuint rc,
	       GLfloat r,
	       GLfloat g,
	       GLfloat b,
	       GLfloat a,
	       GLfloat nx,
	       GLfloat ny,
	       GLfloat nz,
	       GLfloat x,
	       GLfloat y,
	       GLfloat z )
       void glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fVertex3fSUN( GLuint rc,
						      GLfloat s,
						      GLfloat t,
	       GLfloat x,
	       GLfloat y,
	       GLfloat z )
       void glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fSUN( GLuint rc,
	       GLfloat s,
	       GLfloat t,
	       GLfloat nx,
	       GLfloat ny,
	       GLfloat nz,
	       GLfloat x,
	       GLfloat y,
	       GLfloat z )
       void   glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN(	GLuint
	       GLfloat s,
	       GLfloat t,
	       GLfloat r,
	       GLfloat g,
	       GLfloat b,
	       GLfloat a,
	       GLfloat nx,
	       GLfloat ny,
	       GLfloat nz,
	       GLfloat x,
	       GLfloat y,
	       GLfloat z )

       rc     Specify replacement code.

       s, t, p, q
	      Specify s, t, r, and q texture coordinates.

       r, g, b, a
	      Specify new red, green,  blue,  alpha  values  for  the  current

       nx, ny, nz
	      Specify the x, y, and z coordinates of the new current normal.

       x, y, z, w
	      Specify x, y, z, and w coordinates of a vertex.

	      Not all parameters are present in all forms of the command.

       void glColor4ubVertex2fvSUN( const GLubyte *c,
				    const GLfloat *v )
       void glColor4ubVertex3fvSUN( const GLubyte *c,
				    const GLfloat *v )
       void glColor3fVertex3fvSUN( const GLfloat *c,
				   const GLfloat *v )
       void glNormal3fVertex3fvSUN( const GLfloat *n,
				    const GLfloat *v )
       void glColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN( const GLfloat *c,
					   const GLfloat *n,
					   const GLfloat *v )
       void glTexCoord2fVertex3fvSUN( const GLfloat *t,
				      const GLfloat *v )
       void glTexCoord4fVertex4fvSUN( const GLfloat *t,
				      const GLfloat *v )
       void glTexCoord2fColor4ubVertex3fvSUN( const GLfloat *t,
					      const GLubyte *c,
					      const GLfloat *v )
       void glTexCoord2fColor3fVertex3fvSUN( const GLfloat *t,
					     const GLfloat *c,
					     const GLfloat *v )
       void glTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN( const GLfloat *t,
					      const GLfloat *n,
					      const GLfloat *v )
       void glTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN( const GLfloat *t,
						     const GLfloat *c,
						     const GLfloat *n,
						     const GLfloat *v )
       void glTexCoord4fColor4fNormal3fVertex4fvSUN( const GLfloat *t,
						     const GLfloat *c,
						     const GLfloat *n,
						     const GLfloat *v )
       void glReplacementCodeuiVertex3fvSUN( const GLuint *rc,
					     const GLfloat *v )
       void glReplacementCodeuiColor4ubVertex3fvSUN( const GLuint *rc,
	       const GLubyte *c,
	       const GLfloat *v )
       void glReplacementCodeuiColor3fVertex3fvSUN( const GLuint *rc,
	       const GLfloat *c,
	       const GLfloat *v )
       void glReplacementCodeuiNormal3fVertex3fvSUN( const GLuint *rc,
	       const GLfloat *n,
	       const GLfloat *v )
       void glReplacementCodeuiColor3fVertex3fvSUN( const GLuint *rc,
	       const GLfloat *c,
	       const GLfloat *v )
       void glReplacementCodeuiColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN( const GLuint *rc,
	       const GLfloat *c,
	       const GLfloat *n,
	       const GLfloat *v )
       void glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fVertex3fvSUN( const GLuint *rc,
	       const GLfloat *t,
	       const GLfloat *v )
       void  glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN(	 const	GLuint
	       const GLfloat *t,
	       const GLfloat *n,
	       const GLfloat *v )
       void  glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN(	 const
       GLuint *rc,
	       const GLfloat *t,
	       const GLfloat *c,
	       const GLfloat *n,
	       const GLfloat *v )

       rc     Specifies	 a  pointer  to	 an  unsigned int, which specifies the
	      replacement code.

       t      Specifies a pointer to an array of two or four  elements,	 which
	      in turn specify the s, t, r, q texture coordinates.

       c      Specifies	 a pointer to an array that contains red, green, blue,
	      and (sometimes) alpha values.

       n      Specifies a pointer to an array of three elements: the x, y, and
	      z coordinates of the new current normal.

       v      Specifies a pointer to an array of two, three, or four elements,
	      which in turn specify the x, y, z, w coordinates of a vertex.

       glVertexSUN commands are SUN-specific extension used  to	 specify  ver‐
       tices  along  with some of the vertex state, such as color, normal, and
       texture	coordinates.  When  these  commands  are  called  outside   of
       Begin/glEnd pairs, the vertex component will be ignored.

       glBegin, glColor, glNormal, glTexCoord, glReplacementCode, glVertex

				   7 Jan 99		      GLVERTEXSUN(3gl)

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