glcreateprogramobject man page on Solaris

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       glCreateProgramObjectARB - Creates a program object.

       void glCreateProgramObjectARB( void )

       glCreateProgramObjectARB	 creates  a new program object and returns its
       handle.	If the creation failed the handle returned will be 0

       A program object is a container object. Shader objects are attached  to
       a program object with the command glAttachObjectARB. Shader objects can
       be attached to program objects before source code has been loaded  into
       the shader object, or before the shader object has been compiled.  Mul‐
       tiple shader objects of the same type can be attached to a single  pro‐
       gram object, and shader object can be attached to more than one program

       A program object is made part of the current state by calling glUsePro‐
       gramObjectARB.	In order to use the shader objects contained in a pro‐
       gram object, the program object must be linked by calling glLinkProgra‐

       The  name  space for program objects can be shared across multiple con‐
       texts like texture objects and display lists.

       GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated glCreateProgramObjectARB is  executed
       between glBegin and glEnd.

       glGetobjectParameterARB with the handle of a valid program object
       glGetobjectParameterARB with the handle of a valid program object
       glGetHandleARB with the argument GL_PROGRAM_OBJECT_ARB
       glGetAttacheckObjectARB with the handle of a valid program object
       glGetInfoLogARB with the handle of a valid program object

       glAttachObjectARB,      glCreateShaderObjectARB,	    glDeleteObjectARB,
       glLinkProgramARB, glValidateProgramARB

				   11 Mar 04	    GLCREATEPROGRAMOBJECT(3gl)

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