gettytab man page on Ultrix

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gettytab(5)							   gettytab(5)

       gettytab - terminal configuration data base


       The file is a simplified version of the data base used to describe ter‐
       minal lines.  The initial terminal login process accesses the file each
       time it starts, allowing simpler reconfiguration of terminal character‐
       istics.	Each entry in the data base is used to describe one  class  of

       There  is a default terminal class, default, that is used to set global
       defaults for all other classes.	That is, the default  entry  is	 read,
       and  then the entry for the class required is used to override particu‐
       lar settings.

       Refer to for a description of the  file	layout.	  The  default	column
       below  lists  defaults  obtained	 if  there  is	no  entry in the table
       obtained, nor one in the special default table.

       Name   Type   Default	  Description
       ab     bool   false	  Auto-baud speed selection mechanism
       ap     bool   false	  Terminal uses any parity
       bd     num    0		  Backspace delay
       bk     str    0377	  Alternate end of line character  (input
       cb     bool   false	  Use crt backspace mode
       cd     num    0		  Carriage-return delay
       ce     bool   false	  Use crt erase algorithm
       ck     bool   false	  Use crt kill algorithm
       cl     str    NULL	  Screen clear sequence
       co     bool   false	  Console - add \n after login prompt
       ds     str    ^Y		  Delayed suspend character
       ec     bool   false	  Leave echo 2OFF
       ep     bool   false	  Terminal uses even parity
       er     str    ^?		  Erase character
       et     str    ^D		  End of text 2EOF character
       ev     str    NULL	  Initial environment
       f0     num    unused	  Tty mode flags to write messages
       f1     num    unused	  Tty mode flags to read login name
       f2     num    unused	  Tty mode flags to leave terminal as
       fd     num    0		  Form-feed (vertical motion) delay
       fl     str    ^O		  Output flush character
       hc     bool   false	  Do not hangup line on last close
       he     str    NULL	  Hostname editing string
       hn     str    hostname	  Hostname
       ht     bool   false	  Terminal has real tabs
       ig     bool   false	  Ignore garbage characters in login name
       im     str    NULL	  Initial (banner) message
       in     str    ^C		  Interrupt character
       is     num    unused	  Input speed
       kl     str    ^U		  Kill character
       lc     bool   false	  Terminal has lower case
       lm     str    login:	  Login prompt
       ln     str    ^V		  ``literal next'' character
       lo     str    /bin/login	  Program to exec when name obtained

       nd     num    0		  Newline (line-feed) delay
       nl     bool   false	  Terminal  has (or might have) a newline
       nx     str    default	  Next table (for auto speed selection)
       op     bool   false	  Terminal uses odd parity
       os     num    unused	  Output speed
       p8     bool   false	  Use 8-bit characters
       pc     str    \0		  Pad character
       pd     bool   false	  Disable parity on output
       pe     bool   false	  Use printer (hard copy) erase algorithm
       pf     num    0		  Delay between first prompt and  follow‐
				  ing flush (seconds)
       ps     bool   false	  Line connected to a MICOM port selector
       qu     str    ^\		  Quit character
       rp     str    ^R		  Line retype character
       rw     bool   false	  Do not use raw for input, use cbreak
       sp     num    unused	  Line speed (input and output)
       su     str    ^Z		  Suspend character
       tc     str    none	  Table continuation
       to     num    0		  Timeout (seconds)
       tt     str    NULL	  Terminal type (for environment)
       ub     bool   false	  Do unbuffered output (of prompts and so
       uc     bool   false	  Terminal is known upper-case only
       we     str    ^W		  Word erase character
       xc     bool   false	  Do not echo control chars as ^X
       xf     str    ^S		  XOFF (stop output) character
       xn     str    ^Q		  XON (start output) character

       If no line speed is specified, speed will  not  be  altered  from  that
       which  prevails	when  is entered.  Specifying an input or output speed
       will override line speed for stated direction only.

       Terminal modes to be used for the output of the message, for  input  of
       the  login  name, and to leave the terminal set as upon completion, are
       derived from the Boolean flags specified.   If  the  derivation	should
       prove  inadequate,  any	(or all) of these three may be overridden with
       one of the or numeric specifications, which  can	 be  used  to  specify
       (usually	 in  octal,  with  a leading 0) the exact values of the flags.
       Local (new tty) flags are set in the  top  16  bits  of	this  (32-bit)

       Should receive a null character (presumed to indicate a line break), it
       will restart using the table indicated by the entry. If there is	 none,
       it will reuse its original table.

       Delays are specified in milliseconds; the nearest possible delay avail‐
       able in the tty driver will  be	used.	Should	greater	 certainty  be
       desired,	 delays with values 0, 1, 2, and 3 are interpreted as choosing
       that particular delay algorithm from the driver.

       The screen clear string may be preceded by a (decimal) number  of  mil‐
       liseconds of delay required (a la termcap).  This delay is simulated by
       repeated use of the pad character

       The initial message, and login message, and may include	the  character
       sequence	 to  obtain the host name, to obtain the terminal name, and to
       obtain the date.	 (%% obtains a single  percent	(%)  character.)   The
       host  name  is normally obtained from the system, but may be set by the
       table entry.  In either case, it can be edited with  The	 string	 is  a
       sequence	 of  characters; each character that is neither an at sign (@)
       nor a number sign (#) is copied into the final host name.  An  at  sign
       (@)  in	the  string causes one character from the real host name to be
       copied to the final host name.  A number sign (#) in the string	causes
       the  next  character  of	 the real host name to be skipped.  Surplus at
       signs (@) and number signs (#) are ignored.

       When executes the login process, given in the string (usually  it  will
       have  set the environment to include the terminal type, as indicated by
       the string, if it exists.  The string can be used to  enter  additional
       data  into  the	environment.  It is a list of comma-separated strings,
       each of which should be of the form name=value.

       If a nonzero timeout is specified with then will exit within the	 indi‐
       cated number of seconds, either having received a login name and passed
       control to or having received an alarm signal, and exited.  This may be
       useful to hang up dial-in lines.

       The flag allows use of 8-bit characters.

       The flag turns off parity on output.  Output from is even parity unless
       the flag, the flag, or the flag is specified.   The  flag  is  used  to
       allow  any parity on input.  The flag may be specified with the flag to
       allow any parity on input, but generate	odd(even)  parity  on  output.
       The  parity  on	output	is accomplished by using the eighth bit as the
       parity bit.  does not check parity of input characters in RAW  mode  or
       8-bit mode.

       Terminals  that	are set up to operate in 8-bit mode should use entries
       which include the flag.	If a terminal that is set  up  in  8-bit  mode
       fails  to  use  an appropriate entry, the output from and can appear as
       multinational characters.  This is due to the fact that uses the eighth
       bit  of	characters to provide software generated parity.  The software
       parity generation will transform certain ASCII characters into multina‐
       tional characters.  Earlier releases of the ULTRIX operating system did
       not display these multinational characters, due to  the	lack  of  full
       8-bit support in the terminal subsystem.

       Because some users insist on changing their default special characters,
       it is wise to define at least the erase, kill, and interrupt characters
       in  the default table.  In all cases, # or CTRL/H typed in a login name
       will be treated as an erase character, and @ will be treated as a  kill

       destroys the environment, so there is no point setting it in

See Also
       termcap(5), getty(8)


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