fpgetprec man page on NetBSD

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FPGETMASK(3)		 BSD Library Functions Manual		  FPGETMASK(3)

     fpgetmask, fpgetprec, fpgetround, fpgetsticky, fpsetmask, fpsetprec,
     fpsetround, fpsetsticky — IEEE FP mode control

     Standard C Library (libc, -lc)

     #include <ieeefp.h>





     fpsetmask(fp_except_t mask);

     fpsetprec(fp_prec_t prec);

     fpsetround(fp_rnd_t rnd_dir);

     fpsetsticky(fp_except_t sticky);

     A rounding mode fp_rnd_t is one of:

	   FP_RZ    rounding towards zero
	   FP_RM    rounding down to (Minus infinity)
	   FP_RN    rounding to nearest
	   FP_RP    rounding down to (Plus infinity)
     The default mode is FP_RN.

     An fp_except_t value is a bitmask specifying an exception type and con‐
     taining any of the values listed below.

	   FP_X_INV	 Invalid Operation
	   FP_X_DZ	 Division by zero
	   FP_X_OFL	 Overflow
	   FP_X_UFL	 Underflow
	   FP_X_IMP	 Imprecision (inexact)
	   FP_X_IOV	 Integer Overflow

     An fp_prec_t specifies the precision of the floating point operations
     listed below.

	   FP_PS     24 bit (single-precision)
	   FP_PRS    reserved
	   FP_PD     53 bit (double-precision)
	   FP_PE     64 bit (extended-precision)

     The fpsetmask() function will set the current exception mask, i.e., it
     will cause future operations with the specified result status to raise
     the SIGFPE exception.  The fpgetmask() function will return the current
     exception mask.

     The fpgetprec() function will return the current floating point preci‐
     sion.  The fpsetprec() function will set the floating point precision and
     will return the previous precision.

     The fpsetround() function will cause future operations to use the speci‐
     fied dynamic rounding mode.  The fpgetround() function will return the
     current rounding mode.

     Note:   On some architectures, instructions can optionally specify static
	     rounding modes and exception enables that will supersede the
	     specified dynamic mode.  On other architectures, these features
	     may not be fully supported.

     A “sticky” status word may be maintained in which a bit is set every time
     an exceptional floating point condition is encountered, whether or not a
     SIGFPE is generated.  The fpsetsticky() function will set or clear the
     specified exception history bits.	The fpgetsticky() function will return
     the exception history bits.

     The fpgetround() and fpsetround() functions return the (previous) round‐
     ing mode.	The fpgetmask(), fpsetmask(), fpgetsticky(), and fpsetsticky()
     functions return the (previous) exception mask and exception history

     sigaction(2), fenv(3)

     There is no way to return an unsupported value.  Not all processors sup‐
     port all the modes.  These interfaces are deprecated and the ones in
     fenv(3) should be used, although the interfaces in fenv(3) don't support
     getting or setting the precision.

BSD				March 26, 2011				   BSD
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