fmtmsg.h man page on Solaris

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fmtmsg.h(3HEAD)			    Headers		       fmtmsg.h(3HEAD)

       fmtmsg.h, fmtmsg - message display structures

       #include <fmtmsg.h>

       The  <fmtmsg.h>	header	defines	 the following macros, which expand to
       constant integer expressions:

       MM_HARD	       Source of the condition is hardware.

       MM_SOFT	       Source of the condition is software.

       MM_FIRM	       Source of the condition is firmware.

       MM_APPL	       Condition detected by application.

       MM_UTIL	       Condition detected by utility.

       MM_OPSYS	       Condition detected by operating system.

       MM_RECOVER      Recoverable error.

       MM_NRECOV       Non-recoverable error.

       MM_HALT	       Error causing application to halt.

       MM_ERROR	       Application has encountered a non-fatal fault.

       MM_WARNING      Application has detected unusual non-error condition.

       MM_INFO	       Informative message.

       MM_NOSEV	       No severity level provided for the message.

       MM_PRINT	       Display message on standard error.

       MM_CONSOLE      Display message on system console.

       The  table  below  indicates  the  null	values	and  identifiers   for
       fmtmsg(3C)  arguments.  The <fmtmsg.h> header defines the macros in the
       Identifier column, which expand to constant expressions that expand  to
       expressions of the type indicated in the Type column:

       Argument		Type		Null-Value	 Identifier
       label		char*		(char*) NULL	 MM_NULLLBL
       severity		int		0		 MM_NULLSEV
       class		long		0L		 MM_NULLMC
       text		char*		(char*) NULL	 MM_NULLTXT
       action		char*		(char*) NULL	 MM_NULLACT
       tag		char*		(char*) NULL	 MM_NULLTAG

       The  <fmtmsg.h>	header	also  defines  the following macros for use as
       return values for fmtmsg():

       MM_OK	       The function succeeded.

       MM_NOTOK	       The function failed completely.

       MM_NOMSG	       The function was unable to generate a message on	 stan‐
		       dard error, but otherwise succeeded.

       MM_NOCON	       The  function was unable to generate a console message,
		       but otherwise succeeded.

       See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       │      ATTRIBUTE TYPE	     │	    ATTRIBUTE VALUE	   │
       │Interface Stability	     │Standard			   │

       fmtmsg(3C), attributes(5), standards(5)

SunOS 5.10			  10 Sep 2004		       fmtmsg.h(3HEAD)

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