emdtv man page on NetBSD

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EMDTV(4)		 BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual		      EMDTV(4)

     emdtv — digital video driver for Empia Technology EM28xx based cards

     emdtv* at uhub?
     dtv* at dtvbus?

     The emdtv driver provides support for digital video cards based on the
     Empia Technology EM28xx series of DTV interface chips (in particular, the
     EM2883).  This chip is used in USB products.

     Supported cards include:

       Device				  Demodulator	 Tuner
       ATI TV Wonder 600 USB		  lg3303(4)	 xc3028(4) (XC3028L)

     The XC3028L digital tuner requires firmware.  This is provided by the
     pkgsrc/sysutils/xc3028l-firmware package.

     dtv(4), dtviic(4), usb(4)

     The emdtv device driver first appeared in NetBSD 6.0.

     The emdtv driver was written by Jared D. McNeill ⟨jmcneill@NetBSD.org⟩.

BSD				August 30, 2011				   BSD
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