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EFUN(3)			 BSD Library Functions Manual		       EFUN(3)

     esetfunc, easprintf, efopen, emalloc, ecalloc, erealloc, estrdup,
     estrndup, estrlcat, estrlcpy, evasprintf — error-checked utility func‐

     System Utilities Library (libutil, -lutil)

     #include <util.h>

     void (*)(int, const char *, ...)
     esetfunc(void (*)(int, const char *, ...));

     easprintf(char ** restrict str, const char * restrict fmt, ...);

     FILE *
     efopen(const char *p, const char *m);

     void *
     ecalloc(size_t n, size_t c);

     void *
     emalloc(size_t n);

     void *
     erealloc(void *p, size_t n);

     char *
     estrdup(const char *s);

     char *
     estrndup(const char *s, size_t len);

     estrlcat(char *dst, const char *src, size_t len);

     estrlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t len);

     evasprintf(char ** restrict str, const char * restrict fmt, ...);

     The easprintf(), efopen(), ecalloc(), emalloc(), erealloc(), estrdup(),
     estrndup(), estrlcat(), estrlcpy(), and evasprintf() functions operate
     exactly as the corresponding functions that do not start with an ‘e’
     except that in case of an error, they call the installed error handler
     that can be configured with esetfunc().

     For the string handling functions, it is an error when the destination
     buffer is not large enough to hold the complete string.  For functions
     that allocate memory or open a file, it is an error when they would
     return a null pointer.  The default error handler is err(3).  The func‐
     tion esetfunc() returns the previous error handler function.  A NULL
     error handler will just call exit(3).

     asprintf(3), calloc(3), err(3), exit(3), fopen(3), malloc(3), realloc(3),
     strdup(3), strlcat(3), strlcpy(3), strndup(3), vasprintf(3)

BSD				  May 3, 2010				   BSD
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