cprng_fast32 man page on NetBSD

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CPRNG(9)		 BSD Kernel Developer's Manual		      CPRNG(9)

     cprng, cprng_strong_create, cprng_strong, cprng_strong32, cprng_strong64,
     cprng_strong_getflags, cprng_strong_setflags, cprng_strong_ready,
     cprng_strong_destroy, cprng_fast, cprng_fast32, cprng_fast64, — crypto‐
     graphic pseudo-random number generators

     #include <sys/cprng.h>

     cprng_strong_create(const char *const name, int ipl, int flags);

     cprng_strong_destroy(cprng_strong_t *cprng);

     cprng_strong(cprng_strong_t *const cprng, void *buf, size_t len,
	 int blocking);

     cprng_fast(void *buf, size_t len);





     cprng_strong_getflags(cprng_strong_t *const cprng);

     cprng_strong_setflags(cprng_strong_t *const cprng, int flags);

     #define CPRNG_MAX_LEN   524288

     typedef struct _cprng_strong {
	     kmutex_t	     mtx;
	     kcondvar_t	     cv;
	     struct selinfo  selq;
	     NIST_CTR_DRBG   drbg;
	     int	     flags;
	     char	     name[16];
	     int	     reseed_pending;
	     rndsink_t	     reseed;
     } cprng_strong_t;

     The cprng family of functions supply randomness to callers within the
     NetBSD kernel.  They replace the arc4random(9) and rnd_extract_data(9)
     functions for this purpose.  The cprng functions provide stream genera‐
     tors automatically keyed (and if necessary rekeyed) from the kernel
     entropy pool.  The NetBSD kernel no longer supports direct reading from
     the kernel entropy pool; all access is mediated by the cprng functions.

     The “strong” family of functions supply cryptographically strong random
     numbers suitable for keying crypto systems and similar purposes.  Calls
     to rnd_extract_data(9) should be replaced with calls to cprng_strong.

     The “fast” family of functions supply less strong random numbers, suit‐
     able for initialization vectors, nonces in certain protocols, and other
     similar purposes, using a faster but less secure stream-cipher generator.
     stream-cipher generator.  Calls to arc4random(9) should be replaced with
     calls to cprng_fast32, and calls to arc4randbytes(9) should be replaced
     with calls to cprng_fast.

     A single instance of the cprng_fast generator serves the entire kernel.
     A single, well-known instance of the cprng_strong generator, kern_cprng,
     may be used by any in-kernel caller, but new separately-keyed instances
     of the cprng_strong generator can also be created by calling

     cprng_strong_create(name, ipl, flags)

	   Create an instance of the cprng_strong generator.  This generator
	   implements the NIST SP 800-90 CTR_DRBG with AES128 as the block
	   transform.  The name argument is used to "personalize" the CTR_DRBG
	   according to the standard, so that its initial state will depend
	   both on keying material from the entropy pool and also on the per‐
	   sonalization string (name).	The ipl argument specifies the inter‐
	   rupt priority level for the mutex which will serialize access to
	   the new instance of the generator (see spl(9)).  The flags argument
	   controls the behavior of the generator:

	   CPRNG_INIT_ANY   Perform initial keying of the generator from the
			    entropy pool even if the current estimate of
			    entropy in the pool is less than the required num‐
			    ber of key bits for the generator.

	   CPRNG_REKEY_ANY  When rekeying of the generator is required, key
			    the generator from the entropy pool even if the
			    current estimate of entropy in the pool is less
			    than the required number of key bits for the gen‐

	   CPRNG_USE_CV	    Perform a cv_broadcast(9) operation on the "cv"
			    member of the returned cprng_strong_t each time
			    the generator is successfully rekeyed.  If this
			    flag is set, the generator will sleep when
			    rekeying is needed, and will therefore always
			    return the requested number of bytes.

	   Creation will succeed even if key material for the generator is not
	   available.  In this case, the first request to read from the gener‐
	   ator may cause rekeying.


	   Destroy an instance of the cprng_strong generator.

     cprng_strong(cprng, buf, len, blocking)

	   Fill memory location buf with len bytes from the generator cprng.
	   The blocking argument controls the blocking/non-blocking behavior
	   of the generator: if it is set to FNONBLOCK, the generator may
	   return less than len bytes if it requires rekeying.	If the
	   CPRNG_USE_CV flag is set on the generator, the caller can wait on
	   cprng->cv for notification that the generator can again supply
	   bytes.  A maximum of CPRNG_MAX_LEN bytes may be requested at once;
	   this is a restriction of the CTR_DRBG specification.


	   Generate 32 bits using cprng_strong generator cprng.


	   Generate 64 bits using cprng_strong generator cprng.


	   Get the flags currently in use by generator cprng.

     cprng_strong_setflags(cprng, flags)
	   Set the flags on generator cprng to flags.

     cprng_fast(buf, len)
	   Fill memory location buf with len bytes from the fast generator.

	   Generate 32 bits using the fast generator.

	   Generate 64 bits using the fast generator.

     The cprng API is implemented by sys/kern/subr_cprng.c and
     sys/sys/cprng.h.  The “strong” generator uses the CTR_DRBG implementation
     in sys/crypto/nist_ctr_drbg.  The “fast” generator uses the arc4random
     implementation in sys/lib/libkern/arc4random.c.

     condvar(9), rnd(9), spl(9)

     Elaine Barker and John Kelsey, Recommendation for Random Number
     Generation Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators (Revised), National
     Institute of Standards and Technology, 2011, NIST Special Publication
     800-90A, Rev 1.

     The cprng family of functions first appeared in NetBSD 6.0.

BSD			       December 17, 2011			   BSD
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