bootparams man page on NetBSD

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BOOTPARAMS(5)		    BSD File Formats Manual		 BOOTPARAMS(5)

     bootparams — boot parameter database


     The bootparams file specifies the boot parameters that diskless(8)
     clients may request when booting over the network.	 Each client supported
     by this server must have an entry in the bootparams file containing the
     servers and pathnames for its root, area.	It may optionally contain
     swap, dump, and other entry types.

     Each line in the file (other than comment lines that begin with a #)
     specifies the client name followed by the pathnames that the client may
     request by their logical names.  Names are matched in a case-insensitive
     fashion, and may also be wildcarded using shell-style globbing charac‐

     The components of the line are delimited with blank or tab, and may be
     continued onto multiple lines with a backslash.

     For example:

	   dummy   root=server:/export/dummy/root \
		   swap=server:/export/dummy/swap \
		   dump=server:/export/dummy/swap \

     When the client named "dummy" requests the pathname for its logical
     "root" it will be given server “server” and pathname “/export/dummy/root”
     as the response to its RPC request.

	   netra[1-5]www*  root=server:/export/jumpstart/netra_www

     When any client with a name matching the pattern "netra[1-5]www*"
     requests the pathname for its logical "root" it will be given server
     “server” and pathname “/export/jumpstart/netra_www” as the response to
     its RPC request.  As this example implies, this is useful for setting up
     Jumpstart servers for Sun clients.

     The server does not default to the localhost, and must be filled in.

     /etc/bootparams  default configuration file

     diskless(8), rpc.bootparamd(8)

BSD			       February 28, 2002			   BSD
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