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BCD(6)			       BSD Games Manual				BCD(6)

     bcd, ppt, morse — reformat input as punch cards, paper tape or morse code

     bcd [string ...]
     ppt [-d|string ...]
     morse [-ds string ...]

     The bcd, ppt and morse commands read the given input and reformat it in
     the form of punched cards, paper tape or morse code respectively.
     Acceptable input are command line arguments or the standard input.

     Available option:

     -s	   The -s option for morse produces dots and dashes rather than words.

     -d	   Decode ppt output, or morse output consisting of dots and slashes
	   (as generated by using the -s option).

     ISO 1681:1973: Information processing--Unpunched paper

     ISO 1682:1973: Information processing--80 columns punched paper
     cards--Dimensions and location of rectangular punched holes.

     ECMA-10: ECMA Standard for Data Interchange on Punched Tape.

     ITU-T Recommendation F.1: Operational provisions for the international
     public telegram service, Division B, I. Morse code.

BSD			       November 26, 2002			   BSD
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