battery_pmu man page on NetBSD

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BATTERY_PMU(4)		 BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual		BATTERY_PMU(4)

     battery_pmu — support for batteries and sensors in PCI-based Apple Power‐

     battery* at pmu?

     The battery_pmu driver provides support for batteries and hardware sen‐
     sors found in first generation PCI-based PowerBooks (i.e. Apple Powerbook
     2400, 3400 and 3500 (also known as Original PowerBook G3).	 Currently it
     only exports a few sensors via the envsys(4) interface, including battery
     charge, voltage, CPU and battery temperature and AC power availability.

     envsys(4), pmu(4), envstat(8)

     There is no APM emulation right now and the battery current sensor may
     return misleading or wrong data.  This driver is considered preliminary
     and may be replaced at some point.

BSD				 May 18, 2009				   BSD
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