audiorecord man page on NetBSD

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AUDIORECORD(1)		  BSD General Commands Manual		AUDIORECORD(1)

     audiorecord — record audio files

     audiorecord [-afhqV] [-B buffersize] [-b balance] [-c channels]
		 [-d device] [-e encoding] [-F format] [-i info] [-m monvol]
		 [-P precision] [-p port] [-s rate] [-t time] [-v volume] file

     The audiorecord program copies the audio device to the named audiofile
     or, if the file name is -, to the standard output.

     The output file will contain either a Sun/NeXT audio header, a RIFF/WAVE
     audio header or no header at all.	Sun output files using a linear PCM
     encoding are written with big-endian signed samples, possibly after con‐
     verting these from little-endian or unsigned samples.  RIFF/WAVE files
     are written in little-endian, signed samples, also converting if neces‐
     sary.  The default output is Sun/NeXT format, but if the output file file
     ends with a .wav file extension it will be written as RIFF/WAVE.

     The following options are available:

     -a		    Append to the specified file, rather than overwriting.

     -B buffersize  Set the audio device read buffer size to buffersize.  The
		    default value is the record.buffer_size of the audio

     -b balance	    Set the balance to balance.	 This value must be between 0
		    and 63.

     -c channels    Set number of channels to channels.

     -d device	    Set the audio device to be device.	The default is

     -e encoding    Set encoding to either “alaw”, “ulaw”, or “linear”, or any
		    other value reported by audioctl encodings.	 The default
		    encoding is “ulaw”.	 If the output format is “sun”, the
		    file will contain slinear_be samples, if it is “wav”, then
		    slinear_le, independent of the argument to -e.  Setting
		    the argument to -e still may be important since it is used
		    in an ioctl(2) call to the kernel to choose the kind of
		    data provided.

     -F format	    Set the output header format to format.  Currently sup‐
		    ported formats are “sun”, “wav”, and “none” for Sun/NeXT
		    audio, WAV, and no header, respectively.

     -f		    Force.  Normally when appending to audiofiles using the -a
		    option, the sample rates must match.  The -f option will
		    allow a discrepancy to be ignored.

     -h		    Print a help message.

     -i info	    If supported by the -F format, add the string info to the
		    output header.

     -m monvol	    Set the monitor volume.

     -P precision   Set the precision.	This value is the number of bits per
		    sample, and is normally either “8” or “16”, though the
		    values “4”, “24”, and “32” are also valid.

     -p port	    Set the input port to port.	 The valid values of port are
		    “cd”, “internal-cd”, “mic”, and “line”.

     -q		    Be quiet.

     -s rate	    Set the sampling rate.  This value is per-second.  Typical
		    values are 8000, 44100, and 48000, which are the tele‐
		    phone, CD Audio, and DAT Audio default sampling rates.

     -t time	    Sets the maximum amount of time to record.	Format is

     -V		    Be verbose.

     -v volume	    Set the volume (gain) to volume.  This value must be
		    between 0 and 255.

     AUDIOCTLDEVICE  the audio control device to be used.

     AUDIODEVICE     the audio device to be used.

     audioctl(1), audioplay(1), aria(4), audio(4), audioamd(4), auich(4),
     autri(4), auvia(4), clcs(4), clct(4), cmpci(4), eap(4), emuxki(4),
     esm(4), eso(4), ess(4), fms(4), gus(4), guspnp(4), neo(4), sb(4), sv(4),
     wss(4), yds(4), ym(4)

     The audiorecord program was first seen in SunOS 5.	 It was first made
     available in NetBSD 1.4.  RIFF/WAVE support, and support for converting
     signed/unsigned and big/little-endian samples was first made available in
     NetBSD 1.6.

     The audiorecord program was written by Matthew R. Green

     WAV big-endian samples are converted to little-endian, rather than a RIFX
     header being written.

BSD			       December 30, 2010			   BSD
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