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ASCII(7)		   Linux Programmer's Manual		      ASCII(7)

       ascii - ASCII character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal

       ASCII is the American Standard Code for Information Interchange.	 It is
       a 7-bit code.  Many 8-bit codes (such as ISO 8859-1, the Linux  default
       character  set)	contain	 ASCII as their lower half.  The international
       counterpart of ASCII is known as ISO 646.

       The following table contains the 128 ASCII characters.

       C program '\X' escapes are noted.

       Oct   Dec   Hex	 Char			     Oct   Dec	 Hex   Char
       000   0	   00	 NUL '\0'		     100   64	 40    @
       001   1	   01	 SOH (start of heading)	     101   65	 41    A
       002   2	   02	 STX (start of text)	     102   66	 42    B
       003   3	   03	 ETX (end of text)	     103   67	 43    C
       004   4	   04	 EOT (end of transmission)   104   68	 44    D
       005   5	   05	 ENQ (enquiry)		     105   69	 45    E
       006   6	   06	 ACK (acknowledge)	     106   70	 46    F
       007   7	   07	 BEL '\a' (bell)	     107   71	 47    G
       010   8	   08	 BS  '\b' (backspace)	     110   72	 48    H
       011   9	   09	 HT  '\t' (horizontal tab)   111   73	 49    I
       012   10	   0A	 LF  '\n' (new line)	     112   74	 4A    J
       013   11	   0B	 VT  '\v' (vertical tab)     113   75	 4B    K
       014   12	   0C	 FF  '\f' (form feed)	     114   76	 4C    L
       015   13	   0D	 CR  '\r' (carriage ret)     115   77	 4D    M
       016   14	   0E	 SO  (shift out)	     116   78	 4E    N
       017   15	   0F	 SI  (shift in)		     117   79	 4F    O
       020   16	   10	 DLE (data link escape)	     120   80	 50    P
       021   17	   11	 DC1 (device control 1)	     121   81	 51    Q
       022   18	   12	 DC2 (device control 2)	     122   82	 52    R
       023   19	   13	 DC3 (device control 3)	     123   83	 53    S
       024   20	   14	 DC4 (device control 4)	     124   84	 54    T
       025   21	   15	 NAK (negative ack.)	     125   85	 55    U
       026   22	   16	 SYN (synchronous idle)	     126   86	 56    V
       027   23	   17	 ETB (end of trans. blk)     127   87	 57    W
       030   24	   18	 CAN (cancel)		     130   88	 58    X
       031   25	   19	 EM  (end of medium)	     131   89	 59    Y
       032   26	   1A	 SUB (substitute)	     132   90	 5A    Z
       033   27	   1B	 ESC (escape)		     133   91	 5B    [
       034   28	   1C	 FS  (file separator)	     134   92	 5C    \  '\\'
       035   29	   1D	 GS  (group separator)	     135   93	 5D    ]
       036   30	   1E	 RS  (record separator)	     136   94	 5E    ^
       037   31	   1F	 US  (unit separator)	     137   95	 5F    _
       040   32	   20	 SPACE			     140   96	 60    `
       041   33	   21	 !			     141   97	 61    a
       042   34	   22	 "			     142   98	 62    b
       043   35	   23	 #			     143   99	 63    c
       044   36	   24	 $			     144   100	 64    d
       045   37	   25	 %			     145   101	 65    e
       046   38	   26	 &			     146   102	 66    f
       047   39	   27	 ´			     147   103	 67    g
       050   40	   28	 (			     150   104	 68    h
       051   41	   29	 )			     151   105	 69    i
       052   42	   2A	 *			     152   106	 6A    j
       053   43	   2B	 +			     153   107	 6B    k
       054   44	   2C	 ,			     154   108	 6C    l
       055   45	   2D	 -			     155   109	 6D    m

       056   46	   2E	 .			     156   110	 6E    n
       057   47	   2F	 /			     157   111	 6F    o
       060   48	   30	 0			     160   112	 70    p
       061   49	   31	 1			     161   113	 71    q
       062   50	   32	 2			     162   114	 72    r
       063   51	   33	 3			     163   115	 73    s
       064   52	   34	 4			     164   116	 74    t
       065   53	   35	 5			     165   117	 75    u
       066   54	   36	 6			     166   118	 76    v
       067   55	   37	 7			     167   119	 77    w
       070   56	   38	 8			     170   120	 78    x
       071   57	   39	 9			     171   121	 79    y
       072   58	   3A	 :			     172   122	 7A    z
       073   59	   3B	 ;			     173   123	 7B    {
       074   60	   3C	 <			     174   124	 7C    |
       075   61	   3D	 =			     175   125	 7D    }
       076   62	   3E	 >			     176   126	 7E    ~
       077   63	   3F	 ?			     177   127	 7F    DEL

       For convenience, let us give more compact tables in hex and decimal.

	  2 3 4 5 6 7	    30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
	-------------	   ---------------------------------
       0:   0 @ P ` p	  0:	(  2  <	 F  P  Z  d   n	  x
       1: ! 1 A Q a q	  1:	)  3  =	 G  Q  [  e   o	  y
       2: " 2 B R b r	  2:	*  4  >	 H  R  \  f   p	  z
       3: # 3 C S c s	  3: !	+  5  ?	 I  S  ]  g   q	  {
       4: $ 4 D T d t	  4: "	,  6  @	 J  T  ^  h   r	  |
       5: % 5 E U e u	  5: #	-  7  A	 K  U  _  i   s	  }
       6: & 6 F V f v	  6: $	.  8  B	 L  V  `  j   t	  ~
       7: ´ 7 G W g w	  7: %	/  9  C	 M  W  a  k   u	 DEL
       8: ( 8 H X h x	  8: &	0  :  D	 N  X  b  l   v
       9: ) 9 I Y i y	  9: ´	1  ;  E	 O  Y  c  m   w
       A: * : J Z j z
       B: + ; K [ k {
       C: , < L \ l |
       D: - = M ] m }
       E: . > N ^ n ~
       F: / ? O _ o DEL

       An ascii manual page appeared in Version 7 of AT&T UNIX.

       On older terminals, the underscore code is displayed as a  left	arrow,
       called  backarrow, the caret is displayed as an up-arrow and the verti‐
       cal bar has a hole in the middle.

       Uppercase and lowercase characters differ by just one bit and the ASCII
       character  2  differs from the double quote by just one bit, too.  That
       made it much easier to encode characters mechanically or	 with  a  non-
       microcontroller-based electronic keyboard and that pairing was found on
       old teletypes.

       The ASCII standard was published by the United States of America	 Stan‐
       dards Institute (USASI) in 1968.

       iso_8859-1(7), iso_8859-10(7), iso_8859-13(7), iso_8859-14(7),
       iso_8859-15(7), iso_8859-16(7), iso_8859-2(7), iso_8859-3(7),
       iso_8859-4(7), iso_8859-5(7), iso_8859-6(7), iso_8859-7(7),
       iso_8859-8(7), iso_8859-9(7)

       This page is part of release 3.58 of the Linux man-pages project.  A
       description of the project, and information about reporting bugs, can
       be found at

Linux				  2009-02-12			      ASCII(7)

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