altqd man page on NetBSD

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ALTQD(8)		  BSD System Manager's Manual		      ALTQD(8)

     altqd — ALTQ daemon

     altqd [-dv] [-f conf_file]

     altqd is a daemon program that reads a configuration file and then sets
     up the ALTQ state of network interfaces.  After configuring the ALTQ
     state, altqd will detach and become a daemon.

     The signals SIGINT or SIGTERM will shutdown altqd, and the signal SIGHUP
     will restart altqd.

     The following options are available:

     -d		 Debug mode.  altqd does not detach and goes into the command

     -f conf_file
		 Specify a configuration file to read instead of the default.
		 The default file is /etc/altq.conf.

     -v		 Print debugging information.  This option implies -d.

     When -d option is provided, altqd goes into the command mode after read‐
     ing the configuration file and setting up the ALTQ state.	Each command
     is a single line, starting with the command verb.

     The basic commands are as follows:

     help | ?
	   Display a complete list of commands and their syntax.

     quit  Exit.

     altq reload
	   Reload the configuration file and reinitialize ALTQ.

     altq interface [enable|disable]
	   Enables or disables ALTQ on the interface named interface.  When
	   altqd enters the command mode, ALTQ is enabled on all the inter‐
	   faces listed in the configuration file.

     /etc/altq.conf	 configuration file
     /var/run/	 pid of the running altqd
     /var/run/altq_quip	 Unix domain socket for communicating with altqstat(1)

     altqstat(1), altq.conf(5), altq(9)

BSD			       November 26, 2006			   BSD
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