acpibat man page on NetBSD

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ACPIBAT(4)		 BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual		    ACPIBAT(4)

     acpibat — ACPI Battery

     acpibat* at acpi?

     The acpibat driver supports ACPI batteries.

     The battery status is made available through the envsys(4) API.  The bat‐
     tery information can be displayed also with the envstat(8) command:

       $ envstat -d acpibat0
		       Current	CritMax	 WarnMax  WarnMin  CritMin Unit
	      present:	    ON
       design voltage:	14.400					      V
	      voltage:	16.267					      V
	   design cap:	74.880					     Wh
	last full cap:	48.260					     Wh
	       charge:	47.910			    5.000%   0.414%  Wh (99.27%)
	  charge rate:	   N/A
       discharge rate:	16.641					      W
	     charging:	   OFF
	 charge state:	NORMAL

     Depending on the battery, the unit of measurement is either watt-hour
     (Wh) or ampere-hour (Ah) for the capacity related information.  From
     these the “charge” is usually the most interesting value, but it is pos‐
     sible to derive useful information also from the other values.  For exam‐
     ple, when acpiacad(4) is disconnected, the “discharge rate” gives a
     coarse approximation of the current power consumption.  The ratio between
     the design capacity and the last full capacity on the other hand reveals
     the overall “health” of deteriorating lithium-ion batteries.

     The acpibat driver is able to send events to powerd(8) daemon when a
     capacity state has been changed.  The new state will be reported as the
     fourth argument to the /etc/powerd/scripts/sensor_battery script.	If a
     custom capacity limit was set via envstat(8), the acpibat driver will
     report a user-capacity event to the same script when current capacity
     limit has been reached.

     acpi(4), envsys(4), envstat(8), powerd(8)

     The acpibat driver appeared in NetBSD 1.6.

     The ACPI specifications make a distinction between “control method
     batteries” and “smart batteries”.	The acpibat driver only supports con‐
     trol method batteries.  Furthermore, acpibat does not yet support some
     additional battery information introduced in the ACPI 4.0 standard.

BSD				March 17, 2010				   BSD
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