__builtin_types_compatible_p man page on NetBSD

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     __builtin_types_compatible_p — GNU extension to check equivalent types

     __builtin_types_compatible_p(type_a, type_b);

     The __builtin_types_compatible_p() is a GNU extension for determining
     whether two types are equivalent.	If type_a is equivalent to type_b, a
     value 1 is returned.  Otherwise __builtin_types_compatible_p() returns 0.

     The following remarks should be taken into account.

	   1.	The architecture-specific size of the two types does not have
		an impact on the result.  For example, sizeof(char *) and
		sizeof(int) result the same value on i386, but the types natu‐
		rally are not equivalent.

	   2.	Type qualifiers are ignored.  The function returns the same
		value for long and const long.

	   3.	The amount of pointer indirection affects the result.  For
		example, double * is not equivalent to double **.

	   4.	Two types defined with typedef are equivalent if and only if
		their underlying types are equivalent.

	   5.	The enum type is a special case in that two enum types are not
		considered equivalent.

     The following example combines __builtin_types_compatible_p() and the
     typeof(3) construct:

	   #define __COMPARE_TYPES(v, t)      \
		    __builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(v), t)


	   if (__COMPARE_TYPES(p, double) != 0)
		   err(EX_DATAERR, "invalid type");

     gcc(1), __builtin_constant_p(3), typeof(3)

     This is a non-standard, compiler-specific extension.

BSD			       December 21, 2010			   BSD
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