XrmDestroyDatabase man page on Ultrix

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XrmGetFileDatabase(3X11)	     X11R5	      XrmGetFileDatabase(3X11)

       XrmGetFileDatabase, XrmPutFileDatabase, XrmGetStringDatabase, XrmLoca‐
       leOfDatabase, XrmGetDatabase, XrmSetDatabase, XrmDestroyDatabase -
       retrieve and store resource databases

       XrmDatabase XrmGetFileDatabase(filename)
	    char *filename;

       void XrmPutFileDatabase(database, stored_db)
	    XrmDatabase database;
	    char *stored_db;

       XrmDatabase XrmGetStringDatabase(data)
	    char *data;

       char *XrmLocaleOfDatabase(database)
	     XrmDatabase database;

       XrmDatabase XrmGetDatabase(display)
	     Display *display;

       void XrmSetDatabase(display, database)
	     Display *display;
	     XrmDatabase database;

       void XrmDestroyDatabase(database)
	     XrmDatabase database;

       filename	 Specifies the resource database file name.

       database	 Specifies the database that is to be used.

       stored_db Specifies the file name for the stored database.

       data	 Specifies the database contents using a string.

       database	 Specifies the resource database.

       display	 Specifies the connection to the X server.

       The function opens the specified file, creates a new resource database,
       and loads it with the specifications read in from the specified file.
       The specified file must contain a sequence of entries in valid
       ResourceLine format (see section 15.1).	The file is parsed in the cur‐
       rent locale, and the database is created in the current locale.	If it
       cannot open the specified file, returns NULL.

       The function stores a copy of the specified database in the specified
       file.  Text is written to the file as a sequence of entries in valid
       ResourceLine format (see section 15.1).	The file is written in the
       locale of the database.	Entries containing resource names that are not
       in the Host Portable Character Encoding, or containing values that are
       not in the encoding of the database locale, are written in an implemen‐
       tation-dependent manner.	 The order in which entries are written is
       implementation dependent.  Entries with representation types other than
       ``String'' are ignored.

       The function creates a new database and stores the resources specified
       in the specified null-terminated string.	 is similar to except that it
       reads the information out of a string instead of out of a file.	The
       string must contain a sequence of entries in valid ResourceLine format
       (see section 15.1).  The string is parsed in the current locale, and
       the database is created in the current locale.

       If database is NULL, returns immediately.

       The function returns the name of the locale bound to the specified
       database, as a null-terminated string.  The returned locale name string
       is owned by Xlib and should not be modified or freed by the client.
       Xlib is not permitted to free the string until the database is
       destroyed.  Until the string is freed, it will not be modified by Xlib.

       The function returns the database associated with the specified dis‐
       play.  It returns NULL if a database has not yet been set.

       The function associates the specified resource database (or NULL) with
       the specified display.  The database previously associated with the
       display (if any) is not destroyed.  A client or toolkit may find this
       function convenient for retaining a database once it is constructed.

       The syntax of a resource file is a sequence of resource lines termi‐
       nated by newline characters or end of file.  The syntax of an individ‐
       ual resource line is:

       ResourceLine    =       Comment | IncludeFile | ResourceSpec | <empty line>
       Comment =       "!" {<any character except null or newline>}
       IncludeFile     =       "#" WhiteSpace "include" WhiteSpace FileName WhiteSpace
       FileName	       =       <valid filename for operating system>
       ResourceSpec    =       WhiteSpace ResourceName WhiteSpace ":" WhiteSpace Value
       ResourceName    =       [Binding] {Component Binding} ComponentName
       Binding =       "." | "*"
       WhiteSpace      =       {<space> | <horizontal tab>}
       Component       =       "?" | ComponentName
       ComponentName   =       NameChar {NameChar}
       NameChar	       =       "a"-"z" | "A"-"Z" | "0"-"9" | "_" | "-"
       Value   =       {<any character except null or unescaped newline>}

       Elements separated by vertical bar (|) are alternatives.	 Curly braces
       ({...}) indicate zero or more repetitions of the enclosed elements.
       Square brackets ([...]) indicate that the enclosed element is optional.
       Quotes ("...") are used around literal characters.

       IncludeFile lines are interpreted by replacing the line with the con‐
       tents of the specified file.  The word "include" must be in lowercase.
       The filename is interpreted relative to the directory of the file in
       which the line occurs (for example, if the filename contains no direc‐
       tory or contains a relative directory specification).

       If a ResourceName contains a contiguous sequence of two or more Binding
       characters, the sequence will be replaced with single "." character if
       the sequence contains only "." characters, otherwise the sequence will
       be replaced with a single "*" character.

       A resource database never contains more than one entry for a given
       ResourceName.  If a resource file contains multiple lines with the same
       ResourceName, the last line in the file is used.

       Any whitespace character before or after the name or colon in a
       ResourceSpec are ignored.  To allow a Value to begin with whitespace,
       the two-character sequence ``\space'' (backslash followed by space) is
       recognized and replaced by a space character, and the two-character
       sequence ``\tab'' (backslash followed by horizontal tab) is recognized
       and replaced by a horizontal tab character.  To allow a Value to con‐
       tain embedded newline characters, the two-character sequence ``\n'' is
       recognized and replaced by a newline character.	To allow a Value to be
       broken across multiple lines in a text file, the two-character sequence
       ``\newline'' (backslash followed by newline) is recognized and removed
       from the value.	To allow a Value to contain arbitrary character codes,
       the four-character sequence ``\nnn'', where each n is a digit character
       in the range of ``0''-``7'', is recognized and replaced with a single
       byte that contains the octal value specified by the sequence.  Finally,
       the two-character sequence ``\\'' is recognized and replaced with a
       single backslash.

       XrmGetResource(3X11), XrmInitialize(3X11), XrmPutResource(3X11)
       Xlib - C Language X Interface


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