XShapeQueryExtension man page on Ultrix

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XSHAPE(3X11)			     X11R5			  XSHAPE(3X11)

       XShapeQueryExtension,	  XShapeQueryVersion,	  XShapeCombineRegion,
       XShapeCombineRectangles, XShapeCombineMask, XShapeCombineShape, XShape‐
       OffsetShape,   XShapeQueryExtents,   XShapeSelectInput,	XShapeInputSe‐
       lected, XShapeGetRectangles - X nonrectangular shape functions

       #include <X11/extensions/shape.h>

       Bool XShapeQueryExtension (
	       Display *dpy,
	       int *event_basep,
	       int *error_basep);

       Status XShapeQueryVersion (
	       Display *dpy,
	       int *major_versionp,
	       int *minor_versionp);

       void XShapeCombineRegion (
	       Display *dpy,
	       Window dest,
	       int destKind,
	       int xOff,
	       int yOff,
	       struct _XRegion *r,
	       int op);

       void XShapeCombineRectangles (
	       Display *dpy,
	       XID dest,
	       int destKind,
	       int xOff,
	       int yOff,
	       XRectangle *rects,
	       int n_rects,
	       int op,
	       int ordering);

       void XShapeCombineMask (
	       Display *dpy,
	       XID dest,
	       int destKind,
	       int xOff,
	       int yOff,
	       Pixmap src,
	       int op);

       void XShapeCombineShape (
	       Display *dpy,
	       XID dest,
	       int destKind,
	       int xOff,
	       int yOff,
	       Pixmap src,
	       int srcKind,
	       int op);

       void XShapeOffsetShape (
	       Display *dpy,
	       XID dest,
	       int destKind,
	       int xOff,
	       int yOff);

       Status XShapeQueryExtents (
	       Display *dpy,
	       Window window,
	       int *bShaped,
	       int *xbs,
	       int *ybs,
	       unsigned int *wbs,
	       unsigned int *hbs,
	       int *cShaped,
	       int *xcs,
	       int *ycs,
	       unsigned int *wcs,
	       unsigned int *hcs);

       void XShapeSelectInput (
	       Display *dpy,
	       Window window,
	       unsigned longmask);

       unsigned long XShapeInputSelected (
	       Display *dpy,
	       Window window);

       XRectangle *XShapeGetRectangles (
	       Display *dpy,
	       Window window,
	       int kind,
	       int *count,
	       int *ordering);

       typedef struct {
	   int type;   /* of event */
	   unsigned long serial;       /* # of last request processed by server */
	   Bool send_event;    /* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	   Display *display;   /* Display the event was read from */
	   Window window;      /* window of event */
	   int kind;   /* ShapeBounding or ShapeClip */
	   int x, y;   /* extents of new region */
	   unsigned width, height;
	   Time time;  /* server timestamp when region changed */
	   Bool shaped;	       /* true if the region exists */
       } XShapeEvent;

       The X11 Nonrectangular Window Shape Extension adds nonrectangular  win‐
       dows to the X Window System.


       Shape Kinds:

       Event defines:

       This manual pages needs a lot more work.

       X11 Nonrectangular Window Shape Extension


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