DDIF(5)DDIF(5)NameDDIF - Digital Document Interchange Format files
DescriptionDDIF(TM) is the CDA(TM) interchange, storage, and application file for‐
mat for revisable compound documents containing multiple data types
including text, graphics, images, and audio. DDIF compound documents
can dynamically link to DTIF(TM) (Digital Table Interchange Format)
files for automatic update via ACA(TM)LiveLinks(TM).
DDIF compound documents can be displayed and printed on a variety of
devices, including text-only terminals or PCs (character-cell) and
imaging and WYSIWYG terminals (windows workstations and PCs).
DOTS (Data Object Transport Syntax) and network services such as
DECwindows Motif mail, DECnet(TM), the File Transfer Protocol, DEC
MAILworks(TM), PATHWORKS(TM), and ACA LiveLinks support transfer of
DDIF compound documents among key NAS(TM) platforms: VMS(TM) and
ULTRIX(TM)DECwindows(TM)Motif(R), X windows on Sun(TM) SPARCsta‐
tions(TM), DEC(TM) OSF/1(R), MS-DOS(R)Microsoft(R)Windows(TM), and
OS/2(TM). For more information, refer to manpages for DOTS and the dtoc
and ctod commands.
DEC CDA Run-Time Services provides the facilities for CDA applications
to create, store, interchange, and display CDA-supported compound docu‐
ment and tabular file formats. For more information on CDA enabling
technologies and the DEC CDA Run-Time Services, refer to the CDA man‐
Sun and SPARCstation are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Motif and OSF/1 are registered trademarks of Open Software Foundation,
MS-DOS and Microsoft are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corpora‐
Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
ACA, CDA, DDIF, DEC MAILworks, DEC, DECnet, DECwindows, DTIF,
LiveLinks, NAS, PATHWORKS, ULTRIX, VMS, and the Digital logo are trade‐
marks of Digital Equipment Corporation.
OS/2 is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
See Alsocdoc(1), ctod(1), ddifanls(1), ddifps(1), ddiftext(1), dtifanls(1),
dtifddif(1), dtoc(1), dxvdoc(1X), textddif(1), vdoc(1), CDA(5),
cda_msg(5), DDIS(5), DOTS(5), DTIF(5), dvr_msg(5)DDIF(5)