pcap_dump_fopen man page on NetBSD
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pcap_dump_open, pcap_dump_fopen - open a file to which to write packets
#include <pcap/pcap.h>
pcap_dumper_t *pcap_dump_open(pcap_t *p, const char *fname);
pcap_dumper_t *pcap_dump_fopen(pcap_t *p, FILE *fp);
pcap_dump_open() is called to open a ``savefile'' for writing. fname
specifies the name of the file to open. The file will have the same
format as those used by tcpdump(8) and tcpslice(1). The name "-" in a
synonym for stdout.
pcap_dump_fopen() is called to write data to an existing open stream
fp. Note that on Windows, that stream should be opened in binary mode.
p is a capture or ``savefile'' handle returned by an earlier call to
pcap_create() and activated by an earlier call to pcap_activate(), or
returned by an earlier call to pcap_open_offline(), pcap_open_live(),
or pcap_open_dead(). The link-layer type and snapshot length from p
are used as the link-layer type and snapshot length of the output file.
A pointer to a pcap_dumper_t structure to use in subsequent pcap_dump()
and pcap_dump_close() calls is returned on success. NULL is returned
on failure. If NULL is returned, pcap_geterr(p) can be used to get the
error text.
pcap(3), pcap_create(3), pcap_activate(3), pcap_open_offline(3),
pcap_open_live(3), pcap_open_dead(3), pcap_dump(3), pcap_dump_close(3),
pcap_geterr(3), pcap-savefile(5)
5 April 2008 PCAP_DUMP_OPEN(3)
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